“政治精英”的克星、疑欧派人士奈杰尔•法拉奇(Nigel Farage)用一张今年最有影响力、也最具讽刺意味的照片,为不寻常的2016年画上了句号。在这张照片上,他笑着站在赢得了美国大选的唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)旁边,身后是这位当选总统纽约住宅的金色大门。
Everything about the former UK Independence party leader is improbable: the man who led the Brexit revolt that shook the British establishment is a pinstriped former City trader who has spent much of his adult life trying (and failing) to get elected to parliament.
Yet Mr Farage will be remembered as a truly important historical figure. He took Ukip, a ragtag party once described by David Cameron, the former prime minister, as being full of “fruitcakes and loonies”, and turned it into a real political movement.
然而,法拉奇将被铭记为真正重要的历史人物。他接手了英国独立党,并将这个一度被前首相戴维•卡梅伦(David Cameron)描述为尽是“怪物和疯子”的下等政党,改造为真正的政治运动团体。
Mr Cameron only offered the year’s EU referendum because Mr Farage was breathing down his neck. The Ukip leader then laid the ground for the Brexit victory by ruthlessly putting immigration at the top of the campaign agenda.
Mr Farage became the face of a populist movement sweeping Europe before he was co-opted by Mr Trump, who told cheering rallies that he would “do a Brexit” and seize the keys to the White House.
Leading Britain out of the EU already qualifies Mr Farage as a politician of huge significance. If Brexit leads to the unravelling of the EU project, historians will regard him as the catalyst and his role in the events of 2016 as a defining moment.
The writer is the FT’s political editor