6月10日,广场舞爱好者在活动中。 当日,“我要上全运,健康中国人”万人同跳广场舞活动在湖南省株洲市神农广场举行。 新华社发(王天聪摄)
Chinese are the world’s most optimistic people about the future of their country, says the monthly survey, “What Worries the World - July 2017,” released by the global market research and consulting firm, Ipsos, on August 6, Guancha.cn reported.
The report shows that 87 percent of Chinese interviewed think that their country is going in the right direction, being the highest among all adults under aged 65 surveyed in 26 countries, including Australia, Canada, France, Britain, Germany, India, Japan, Russia, the US and South Korea.
US media, Axios, said economic giants, China and the US are gradually becoming geopolitical rivals. Chinese are more confident about the future of their country, while most Americans are worried that their country is going downhill.
Unemployment (36 percent), political corruption (34 percent) and Wealth inequality (33 percent), are the three major worries for global citizens since 2010.
Chinese participants in the survey worry most about moral decline (47 percent), threats to the environment (40 percent) and unemployment (31 percent); while healthcare, terrorism as well as crime and violence, are the top three worries for Americans, the report noted.
In addition, the report pointed out that nearly 43 percent of Americans surveyed are optimistic about their country in July 2017, down 4 percent from the previous month, but much higher than during the presidential election in October 2016.