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    Three years ago, on the London Tube, I ran into a chap I know, Tom Davies. I met him first in 2001 when I wrote about his new, eponymous company which made upmarket glasses frames. The business later grew from being so niche it was practically secret to having its own factory in China, shops across London and spots in 1,000 opticians worldwide.

    3年前,我在伦敦地铁遇上了一个认识的人汤姆•戴维斯(Tom Davies)(见题图)。我最早是在2001年遇到他的。那时我写了有关他新创建的同名公司的文章。这家公司生产高档眼镜架。它太小众了,简直不为人知,后来发展壮大了,在中国有了自己的工厂,在伦敦有了门店,在全球1000家眼镜店销售。

    It even gained me as a customer for its made-to-measure service, with my oversized head and lopsided ears — as well as celebrity clients, from Heston Blumenthal to Ed Sheeran.

    这家公司甚至把我发展成了其定制服务的客户(我的头有点儿大,耳朵不太对称),还有一些名人客户,包括赫斯顿•布鲁门塔尔(Heston Blumenthal)和艾德•希兰(Ed Sheeran)。

    So, I asked back in 2014 as we strap-hung on the District Line, what Mr Davies’ business was up to? “Well,” he said, “I’m thinking of moving production from China to the UK. It’s not as cheap as it was, and Made in England would be a great sales point.”

    所以,当2014年我俩在区域线(District Line)拉住吊环站立时,我问他生意怎么样?“很好”,他说,“我在考虑把生产线从中国搬到英国。那边不像以前那么成本低了,再说‘英格兰制造’(Made in England)将成为一个极好的卖点。”

    He is now doing just that. Last week, I visited Mr Davies as builders were scrambling to finish converting a derelict factory in west London to which he and 30 staff are moving shortly, with 20 more to join later. He plans to have 30 per cent of manufacturing in the UK by the end of 2017, 70 per cent in three years.


    In a curious twist on the industrial history of recent decades, teams of Chinese staff are coming over to train British workers. It may seem almost a suicide mission on their part, but Mr Davies is not closing the Shenzhen factory, just no longer expanding it as the business grows.


    There has been much noise in Donald Trump’s US about bringing manufacturing back to developed countries, or “reshoring”. Is Mr Davies riding a fresh trend in the UK?

    在唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)的美国,让制造业回到发达国家(或称“回流”)的呼声很响亮。戴维斯是否代表了英国的一种新趋势?

    I asked the China-Britain Business Council in London about other UK companies moving production from China. Remarkably, they had no record of any such thing. “It’s something businesses talk about, but it never seems to happen,” said an official. “Your guy may be a pioneer.”

    我向伦敦的英中贸易协会(China-Britain Business Council)询问了有关其他英国公司从中国迁回生产线的情况。值得注意的是,该协会没有这种动向的记录。“这是企业在谈论的事情,但似乎从未发生,”一名官员表示,“你认识的人也许是一个先驱。”

    The most surprising reason Mr Davies has for his move is economic. There may be an element of justifying his decision retrospectively, but he believes he can lower prices by making in Britain. Labour costs in China have risen. Many Chinese businesses I speak to are thinking beyond manufacturing in established cheaper bases like Vietnam and Bangladesh and are looking elsewhere.


    “The Shenzhen average [annual salary] in 2007 was £2,500,” said Mr Davies. “It’s now £8,000, and I have key people earning up to £55,000. Our car park is now full of workers’ cars.”


    The differential in premises costs is also not startling. His Shenzhen plant costs £2 per sq ft, but would go beyond £4 if he renewed his lease. His London cost is £8 per sq ft, although this factory also needed a £600,000 refurb.


    Logistics costs will be lower making glasses in London. But the biggest saving will be because technology in his industry has moved on. A computer-controlled machine tool once costing £250,000 is now a twentieth of that, he says — ironically, from Chinese makers. The software is also cheaper and easier to use. All this means he needs fewer staff, Chinese or British, than he used to.


    The Made in England cachet, Mr Davies believes, will help in a business that has one foot in the fashion world. “The Americans will love it, and it could also help us in the Far East. In China itself, customers love things not made in China.”


    Finally, Mr Davies told me, he is tired, as the boss and head designer, of travelling. “I’m 42 now, I live in perpetual jet lag and I’ve had enough of it.” He expects the Shenzhen factory to be a self-running satellite.


    This initiative is a mere pixel in a panorama. I wonder, though, if it became a trend, whether this would be good or bad for China?


    My guess is that it would be good. Younger Chinese people are tiring of being the world’s workshop. And judging by the quality and design of Chinese consumer technology I see, they are ready to become, like Japan and South Korea, originators rather than subcontractors.


    An upgrade to China 2.0, a confident, developed country making its own, globally desired products would have its problems, but it would ultimately be a progressive, stabilising development.


      上一篇:巴西:世界自由秩序危机的一个缩影  下一篇:英国王室的分水岭:戴安娜之死


