74-year-old Yokitomo Shimotai, a coffee shop owner in Aomori Prefecture, Japan, claims that his unique “garlic coffee” is the result of a cooking blunder he made over 30 years ago, when he burned a steak and garlic while waiting tables at the same time. Intrigued by the scorched garlic’s aroma, he mashed it up with a spoon and mixed it with hot water. The resulting drink looked and tasted a lot like coffee. Making a mental note of his discovery, Yokimoto carried on with his job, and only started researching garlic coffee again after he retired.
74岁的Yokitomo Shimotai是日本青森县的一位咖啡店主,他声称自家独特的“大蒜咖啡”的灵感来自于自己在30多年前一次烹饪失误,当时他在招待客人时不小心把牛排和大蒜烧焦了。由于被大蒜的焦香味所吸引,这位店主就用勺子把大蒜捣碎,然后将其和热水混合。混合出的饮料外观和味道都很像咖啡。当时他只是把这一发现记在心里,继续工作,直到退休后才开始研究大蒜咖啡。
Committed to turning his bizarre drink into a commercial product, Yokitomo Shimotai spent years optimizing the formula, and about five years ago, he finally achieved a result he was satisfied with. To make his soluble garlic grounds, he roasts the cloves in an electric oven, and, after they’ve cooled off, smashes them into fine particles and packs them in dripbags.
一心想将这种奇特饮料转变为商品的Yokitomo Shimotai花了数年时间优化配方,大约五年前,他终于调出了自己满意的配方。为了制造出可溶大蒜泥,他先将蒜瓣放在电烤箱里烘烤,在冷却之后,将蒜瓣捣成微小颗粒,然后将其放入滴水包(挂耳包)中。
“My drink is probably the world’s first of its kind,” the garlic coffee inventor told Kyodo News. “It contains no caffeine so it’s good for those who would like to drink coffee at night or pregnant women.”
“The bitterness of burned garlic apparently helps create the coffee-like flavor,” Shimotai adds.
The wacky inventor claims that, although his garlic coffee does give off an aroma of roasted garlic, it doesn’t cause bad breath, because the garlic is thoroughly cooked. And if you can get past the smell, the drink apparently does taste a lot like actual coffee.
If decaf isn’t good enough for you, and you’re in the mood for something new, you can try Yokitomo Shimotai’s garlic coffee at his shop, in the city of Ninohe, Iwate Prefecture, or buy your own dripbags for just 324 yen ($2.8).
如果你不喜欢脱因咖啡,并且想尝试新鲜事物,你可以去日本岩手县二户市,到Yokitomo Shimotai的咖啡店品尝一下他的大蒜咖啡。你也可以购买大蒜咖啡包,每包价格只需324日元(合19元人民币)。