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    The Black Hills region of the United States is famous today for tourist attractions like Deadwood and Mount Rushmore, but around 150 million years ago it was home to one of the largest dinosaurs known. This dinosaur was a member of the sauropod family with long necks and tails. These giant plant-eating dinosaurs like Brontosaurus and Diplodocus were the largest land animals that ever lived on this planet.

    如今,美国的黑山(Black Hills)地区因为像戴德伍德(Deadwood)和拉什莫尔山(Mount Rushmore)这样的旅游胜地而闻名,但是大约1.5亿年前,它是已知的一种最大的恐龙的家园。这种恐龙属于蜥脚类动物,拥有长长的脖子和尾巴。这些食草性的巨型恐龙,如同雷龙和梁龙一样,是地球上存在过的最大陆地动物。

    The foot described in a new scientific paper recently published in the open-access journal PeerJ -- the Journal of Life and Environmental Sciences was excavated in 1998 by an expedition from the University of Kansas, with Anthony Maltese, lead author of the study, as member of the crew. As he writes, it was immediately apparent that the foot, nearly a meter wide, was from an extremely large animal -- so the specimen was nicknamed "Bigfoot."

    最近新发表在开放获取期刊《PeerJ——生命与环境科学杂志》(《PeerJ -- the Journal of Life and Environmental Sciences 》)上的一篇科学论文中,描述了这只脚。1998年,堪萨斯大学(University of Kansas)的一支由安东尼·马尔泰塞(Anthony Maltese)领导的考察队挖掘了这只脚。就在他写论文的时候,他们忽然发现了这只脚,它几乎有一米宽。显然它来自一种非常巨大的生物,这个标本因此被戏称为“大脚怪”。


    Photo courtesy of the KUVP archives

    Now, after detailed preparation and study, Maltese and his international team of researchers from the USA, Switzerland, and Germany identified it as belonging to an animal very closely related to Brachiosaurus, famous for its appearance in the 1993 film Jurassic Park.


    Anthony Maltese, Emanuel Tschopp, Femke Holwerda, and David Burnham used 3D scanning and detailed measurements to compare Bigfoot to sauropod feet from numerous species. Their research confirmed that this foot was unusually large. According to Holwerda, a Dutch PhD student at the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich, Germany, comparisons with other sauropod feet showed that Bigfoot was clearly the largest dinosaur foot discovered to date.

    Anthony Maltese, Emanuel Tschopp, Femke Holwerda和David Burnham使用3D扫描和详细的测量来将大脚怪与各种不同的蜥脚类动物的脚相比较。他们的研究证实了这只脚确实异常的大。来自于路德维希马克西米利安大学(the Ludwig Maximilians University,位于德国慕尼黑)的荷兰博士霍韦达(Holwerda)说,与其他蜥脚类动物的脚相比,这只大脚显然是迄今为止发现的最大的恐龙脚。

    It also confirmed that brachiosaurs inhabited a huge area from eastern Utah to northwestern Wyoming, 150 million years ago. "This is surprising," says Tschopp, a Swiss paleontologist working at the American Museum of Natural History in New York, "many other sauropod dinosaurs seem to have inhabited smaller areas during that time."


    According to Maltese, who was part of the original University of Kansas team in 1998 but is now at the Rocky Mountain Dinosaur Resource Center in Woodland Park, Colorado, the rock outcrops that produced this fossil hold many more "fantastic dinosaur skeletons," and the research team hopes to continue their studies on fossils from there.


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