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    Can bananas fend off fatal fungus?


    The world's most popular bananas — the Cavendish cultivar variety — have come under threat from a fungus that's rapidly spreading around the world. Previously constrained to parts of Asia and Australia, the banana fungus, also known as Panama disease, has also appeared in the Middle East and more of South Asia.


    The global banana industry is substantial, but it's mostly focused one type — Cavendish — which are vulnerable to disease because they are all clones that originate from the same plant. (Photo: Suthat Chaithaweesap/Shutterstock)

    Now the fungus has spread to Latin America — something experts had long feared, which could be disastrous for the worldwide market because that's where the majority of Cavendish bananas are grown. In early August, the Colombian Agricultural Institute announced a national state of emergency, confirming that the fungus had been found in plantations in the north of the country, reports Nature. In an attempt to stop the spread, crops were destroyed and plantations quarantined.


    Industry analysts say the Cavendish's days are numbered, but it likely won't happen soon. “These epidemics develop slowly, so the [spread] will take some time,” Randy Ploetz, a plant pathologist at the University of Florida in Homestead, told Nature. “But eventually, it will not be possible to produce Cavendish for international trade.”

    行业分析人士说,卡文迪什的日子不多了,但这可能不会很快发生。霍姆斯特德佛罗里达大学的植物病理学家Randy Ploetz告诉《自然》杂志:“这些流行病发展缓慢,所以(传播)需要一些时间。”“但最终,将不可能为国际贸易生产卡文迪什。”

    Once the fungus — Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.cubense, more commonly referred to as Foc — takes hold in the soil, it's almost impossible to eliminate. No one knows exactly how the fungus arrived in these new areas, but some people think it could have arrived with migrant workers who came to the countries from Asia to work on local plantations.


    A tangled tale


    Bananas have a long history with varieties of the Foc fungus. A different strain all but wiped out the once-popular Gros Michel banana cultivar back in the 1950s. That particular strain is not a threat to Cavendish bananas, which replaced Gros Michel, but they are susceptible to the newest strain, called TR4, which is the one that has spread to Latin America. Cavendish bananas represent about 13% of worldwide banana sales. Other varieties may not be at risk from the fungus, but its spread would hurt farmers across the globe.


    The hits keep on coming


    The fungus is not the only threat to bananas. In 2013, Costa Rica's $500 million banana industry was in a state of national emergency, according to the Independent, after being hit by mealybugs and scale insects, which affected as much as 20% of the country's crop. The bugs cause blemishes on the fruits, making them unsellable. The increased insect population was blamed on climate change.


    In 2016, researchers from the University of California, Davis and the Netherlands sequenced the genomes of three strains of fungus that cause Sigatoka, which hijacks the bananas immune system, according to Science Alert. The update prompted a renewal of dire predictions for bananas as we know them today because this disease has also managed to manipulate the bananas' metabolism.


    Oddly enough, there's an upside to the news: The genome sequencing that uncovered how Sigatoka works may also help scientists create disease-resistant varieties of bananas.


      上一篇:关于蜘蛛丝的迷人事实 下一篇:乌鸦因为吃快餐,胆固醇含量越来越高


