Color blindness affects approximately 1 in 12 men (8%) and 1 in 200 women in the world. It is estimated that around 300 million all around the world suffer from color blindness. This vision deficiency can be caused by genetics or various diseases such as diabetes or multiple sclerosis. The most common form of color blindness is the inability to see green and red properly, but there are different types and different severities of this condition. While it is hard to understand for most people how color blindness even works, some people who have it often struggle to realize it too, if their condition is not that severe.
全球约有1 / 12的男性(8%)和1 / 200的女性患有色盲。据估计,全世界大约有3亿人患有色盲。这种视力缺陷可能是由遗传或各种疾病引起的,如糖尿病或多发性硬化症。色盲最常见的形式是不能正确地看到绿色和红色,但这种情况有不同的类型和不同的严重程度。虽然对大多数人来说,很难理解色盲是如何工作的,但如果他们的情况没有那么严重,一些患有色盲的人也常常很难意识到这一点。
Created by a colorblind person, Color Blind Pal app allows people with vision deficiency to differentiate between colors better and recognize them
色盲Pal app是由色盲人士创建的,它可以让视力有缺陷的人更好地区分颜色并识别它们
Luckily, there’s an app that helps people to understand and cope with this vision deficiency.
Vincent Fiorentini, who has been red-green colorblind his whole life, has created an app that serves two main purposes: the first one is to help people with regular vision ‘experience’ color blindness and the second and most important one is to help those who suffer from it see things better.
文森特·菲奥伦蒂尼(Vincent Fiorentini)一生都是红绿色盲,他开发了一款应用程序,主要有两个目的:一是帮助视力正常的人“体验”色盲,二是帮助患有色盲的人更好地看东西。
The first photo shows colors perceived by the regular vision, the second one how colors are seen by a colorblind person and the third one shows how the app helps them
The app is called Color Blind Pal and it works by shifting colors of the objects so a person can differentiate between colors better.
这款应用名为“色盲朋友”(Color Blind Pal),它的工作原理是改变物体的颜色,这样人们就能更好地辨别颜色。
The app also helps a person to determine and name the color. It can be also used by people with normal vision to simulate many types of color blindness.The app is available on both Android and iOS.
So far, the app has been rather well-received. It has more than 300 reviews on Google Play store with a 4.2 rating.
到目前为止,这款应用已经相当受欢迎。它在谷歌Play store上有超过300条评论,评分为4.2。
More info: play.google.com | apps.apple.com