In a disturbing new trend, research shows the rate of suicide is increasing among young people.
Males generally commit suicide at higher rates, but the rates for young females are increasing, too. (Photo: Csaba Peterdi/Shutterstock)
Between 2007-2015, the number of U.S. teens who visited emergency rooms due to suicidal thoughts or ideations doubled, according to a study published in JAMA Pediatrics. In 2007, the number of visits was 580,000; by 2015, that number had increased to 1.12 million, reports CNN.
《美国医学会杂志·儿科》(JAMA Pediatrics)上发表的一项研究显示,在2007年至2015年间,因有自杀念头或倾向而前往急诊室的美国青少年数量翻了一番。2007年,参观人数为58万人次;据CNN报道,到2015年,这一数字已增至112万。
Finding a solution is no easy task. The fact that so many young people — regardless of gender — fight with depression every day and struggle with suicidal thoughts is devastating. But new research may give us insight into the differences between the development of depression in adolescent females and males, reports Psychology Today.
How depression develops in boys and girls
Females tend to develop depression much faster and earlier than males. (Photo: Manfred Antranias Zimmer/Pixabay)
Using growth-curve modeling, researchers found that the developmental paths of depression for boys and girls differed significantly. Females tended to develop depression at a faster rate, while also hitting peak levels of depressive symptoms at an earlier age.
For males, the most rapid rate increase of depressive symptoms occurred at age 16.4, while females' biggest increase came at 13.5 years — meaning that by the time a depressed adolescent female reaches that age, she has developed more depressive symptoms than an adolescent male.
Why the difference?
The developmental paths of depression for boys and girls differed significantly. (Photo: talib abdulla/Pixabay)
There's no definitive answer for differences in the developmental course of depressive symptoms, but Arash Emamzadeh, author of the Psychology Today article, suggests that a general increase in symptoms during adolescence is possibly "because teenagers face numerous changes during this developmental period (e.g., puberty, school transition, forming friendships)."
抑郁症状在发展过程中的不同并没有明确的答案,但是《今日心理学》的作者Arash Emamzadeh认为,青春期症状的普遍增加可能是因为“青少年在这个发展时期面临着许多变化(例如,青春期、学校过渡、形成友谊)。”
As for females experiencing symptoms at an earlier age, Emamzadeh writes, "One possible explanation for this difference is the earlier puberty in females compared to males. For instance, previous research has shown that early age of menarche (first menstrual cycle) is associated with greater depressive symptoms."
Puberty is already a rough stage of adolescence, and the fact that females and males hit puberty at different ages could also play a role. This growing body of research could help us understand why and when adolescents are beginning to show depressive symptoms, and address their needs at an earlier stage.