Thanksgiving leftovers are a distant memory, and December's extra travel, shopping and family commitments are already straining nerves, budgets and immune systems. It's officially "the holidays" — which also means we're well into a new flu season.
It's never too late to benefit from a flu shot, even into December and January, says Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious disease specialist at Vanderbilt School of Medicine in Nashville.
"Giving influenza vaccine to people with heart disease, for example, is as important as giving them a statin," Schaffner says, yet many people living with chronic illness — and even many of their health care providers — don't realize how vital flu vaccination is to managing their condition.
The vaccine's ability to prevent flu cases last year hovered around 44 percent overall; it was about 59 percent effective for young children and just 16 percent in adults over 65.
"Effectiveness" only refers to the ability of the vaccine to prevent illness, and the vaccine does so much more than that," says Dr. LJ Tan, chief strategy officer for the nonprofit Immunization Action Coalition, based in St. Paul, Minn.
位于明尼苏达州圣保罗的非营利组织免疫行动联盟的首席战略官LJ 谭博士说,“有效性”只是指疫苗预防疾病的能力,而疫苗的作用远远不止于此。
Extra benefits from the flu shot for certain groups
In older adults, the flu shot prevents the loss of quality of life that can result from influenza complications, Tan says. That protection is also important for people with chronic conditions beyond heart disease, such as diabetes, asthma and lung or liver disease. Doctors say flu shots are also indicated for patients with suppressed immune systems, and most people who have an autoimmune condition.
What to expect this year
Flu cases don't typically peak until well after the start of the new year, but infections often begin picking up in December. Some states, including Texas and North Carolina, are already reporting the first influenza deaths of the season, including those of at least 10 children. Most children each year who die from the flu had not been vaccinated, and many were healthy until their infection.
Flu shot options
As in past years, people have multiple options for flu vaccines this year. All the standard flu shots for 2019-2020 are quadrivalent — containing all four strains —according to the CDC. The only seasonal flu shots with trivalent (three-strain) options this year are the two recommended for people age 65 and older — a high-dose versionand the one with an "adjuvant," an extra ingredient that boosts the body's immune response to the vaccine.
Why myths about flu and flu shots persist
Too often, doctors say, people shy away from the shot because of some falsehoods or misconception they've heard about the flu vaccine.
1. The flu shot can't give you the flu.
2. Deaths from influenza range from a few thousand to tens of thousands every U.S. flu season.
3. Flu shot ingredients do not pose a risk to most people.
4.Pregnant women are particularly advised to get the flu shot.
5. Revenue from vaccines comprise a tiny proportion of pharma profits, and make it possible