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    Artificial Sweeteners' Effects May Depend On What They Are Consumed With


    Artificial sweeteners have puzzled nutritionists for some time now. There are studies that suggest they are at least as bad as the sugar they replace for weight gain, while others show the opposite. A new paper suggests it all depends on the context in which they're consumed.


    Let's focus on the primary question – are artificial sweeteners beneficial for obesity and diabetes control? The blizzard of conflicting information is deeply unhelpful to anyone choosing a diet. If half the studies are wrong but we don't know which half, why should anyone believe anything?


    According to Yale University's Professor Dana Small, no one may be wrong, they're just testing different circumstances. Small had people drink fruit-flavored beverages containing sucralose, sugar, or sucralose and maltodextrin (a carbohydrate without a sweet taste). In Cell Metabolism, she found that those who had the sucralose with maltodextrin showed the negative effects reported by some previous studies. Those whose drinks didn't include maltodextrin were unaffected. Sucralose/maltodextrin drinkers experienced alterations to the body's insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism. fMRI scans also revealed changes in their brains' responses to sweetness.

    根据耶鲁大学教授Dana Small的说法,没有人可能是错的,他们只是在测试不同的情况。斯莫尔让人们饮用含有三氯蔗糖、糖、或三氯蔗糖和麦芽糖糊精(一种没有甜味的碳水化合物)的水果味饮料。在细胞代谢方面,她发现那些服用了含有麦芽糖糊精的三氯蔗糖的人表现出了之前一些研究报告的负面影响。那些饮料中不含麦芽糖糊精的人没有受到影响。摄入蔗糖素/麦芽糊精的人体内的胰岛素敏感性和葡萄糖代谢会发生变化。功能磁共振成像扫描还揭示了他们大脑对甜味的反应变化。

    Stephen Luntz

    It's believed these changes may cause people to consume high-calorie foods and interfere with the body's ability to process what it receives. In some animal studies, sweeteners were found to dull their ability to taste naturally sweet foods, leading to additional consumption to get the same level of reward.


    Subsequent tests showed that maltodextrin produced none of these effects on its own; it was only the combination that was problematic. Previous trials seldom involved maltodextrin, but often saw sweeteners consumed with other carbohydrate-rich foods.


    "When we set out to do this study, the question that was driving us was whether or not repeated consumption of an artificial sweetener would lead to a degrading of the predictive ability of sweet taste," Small said in a statement. "This would be important because sweet-taste perception might lose the ability to regulate metabolic responses that prepare the body for metabolizing glucose or carbohydrates in general."


    Like most nutritional trials, the sample Small used was, well, small – just 45 people consuming seven drinks over a 10-day period. It will take larger studies with more tests to see if they really have explained the discrepancies between previous papers. Small hopes to investigate other sweeteners in the future, but in the meantime says this work “has changed the way that I eat, and what I feed my son.” A Diet Coke on its own is fine, she thinks, but not while eating a carb-rich meal.


    Rather than anyone having messed up their results, let alone falsified them, the problem may simply have been generalizing too much from specific situations.


      上一篇:一种算法创造了所有可能的音乐旋律,因此没有人可以起诉侵犯版权 下一篇:即使在不吸烟的地方,你也不可能远离三手烟


