教程:英语漫读  浏览:264  
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    There will never be anyone else like you in the future of the universe.


    That's why being yourself is more important than anything else.


    That's how life works: two steps forward, followed by one-and-a-half backas those who lost their power try to reverse the process.


    Those who benefit most from the status quo are naturally the leastinterested in change, and they find allies in the fearful and the authoritarian.


    Conformity always includes a threat of punishment if you fail to fit in, whetherit comes from ridicule, being shunned by others, or direct attack.



    There's a more fundamental power behind the urgency with whichauthoritarian conservatives seek to suppress individuality. That power is lackof trust. Wise leaders and outstanding thinkers are alike in two things: they'reusually non-conformists -and they display a deep trust in the basic goodness,intelligence, and capacity for development of their fellow human beings.


    In stark contrast, the most determined proponents of conformity have alwaysbeen dictatorships. Under a dictatorship, any kind of variation from prescribedways of thinking or acting is punished. Conservative thinkers often suggest toomuch freedom will lead to anarchy and the collapse of all standards.


    Being who and what you are is the most natural thing there is. There may bea cost. Some people, even some friends, will disapprove of you as you truly areand will let you know it. There will be setbacks along the way. Yet the pricefor being yourself can never be as great as the price you will pay for steppingaside from your basic nature: a price paid in frustration, dissatisfaction, andthe hopeless realization of all that you might have been, but now can neverattain.


    Take up the challenge. Conformity has very little to recommend it. Trustyourself and trust others. Mediocrity and inner frustration are the true priceof conforming. Only those with the courage openly to live their dreams can everhope to find lasting satisfaction with their lives.


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