If your cat won't stop shredding the toilet paper and urinating on your couch, it could be a result of separation anxiety, a new study suggests.
Many studies have observed owner separation problems in dogs, but the same research hasn't been done for cats. Recent studies have found, however, that indoor cats are social and develop bonds with their owners.
To assess separation-related issues in our feline companions, researchers gave 130 owners of adult cats in Brazil a questionnaire on their cat's behaviors, interactions and living environment. Out of 223 cats, 13.5% had at least one separation-related problem -- such as destructive behaviors or distressed mental states -- challenging the commonly held idea that cats are happy alone.
"Some people believe that domestic cats are unable to develop an attachment to their caregivers/owners, but this idea was not confirmed by recent studies, showing that these animals can establish bonds with their owners," said study author Aline Cristina Sant'Anna, a professor of zoology at the Federal University in Brazil.
"Our study suggests that these animals might suffer when separated from their attachment figure."
What cats do when they're alone
The questionnaire distributed to cat owners was based on prior research on separation anxiety syndrome in dogs, according to the study published Wednesday in the journal PLOS ONE. It asked them about behaviors and body language their pets displayed when caretakers were absent from home.
Since there weren't any cameras observing the cats, the owners answered based on evidence from reports by other residents, neighbors or any signs the cat left in the home, such as feces, urine or broken objects, Sant'Anna said.
Thirty out of 223 cats met at least one of the behavioral criteria the researchers used to define separation-related problems.
Nearly 67% of thosecats exhibited destructive behavior, followed by excessive vocalization, urination in inappropriate places, depression-apathy, aggressiveness, agitation-anxiety.

They could just be frustrated
While the study suggests some cats' "bad" behavior may be a result of separation anxiety, Johnson said the matter is case dependent. She hasn't seen a lot of separation anxiety as much as she's noticed bored and frustrated behavior stemming from a lack of enrichment.
If your cat won't stop urinating or defecating on the floor or on your bed, it might be time to take her to the vet. Some behaviors that might be annoying to us may be even more painful for them: These missteps could indicate that your pet is dealing with an underlying medical condition, Johnson said.