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    ‘Could Be This Year’s Biggest Find’: Ancient Roman Mosaic Floor Uncovered In Verona


    When it seems like everything’s down and 2020 hasn’t got much to offer in the good news department, fortune is suddenly back on our side. The past twenty-four hours have brought our times an ancient treasure which is said to be one of the biggest archaeological discoveries of the year.


    Italian archaeologists have discovered a breathtaking Roman mosaic floor in the Valpolicella region in the Verona province of Italy. Hidden just underneath a vineyard, “the mosaics dating back to the first century after Christ were found in excellent condition,” reported the local news source. The historian Myko Clelland helped to spread the breaking news on social media with his now-viral tweet just 14 hours ago. The post has now got a whopping 266K likes and 58K retweets—and counting!

    意大利考古学家在意大利维罗纳省的瓦尔波利塞拉地区发现了令人惊叹的罗马镶嵌画地板。据当地新闻来源报道,这些镶嵌物就藏在葡萄园的下面,“这些镶嵌物可以追溯到基督诞生后的第一个世纪,保存非常完好。”14个小时前,历史学家Myko Clelland在社交媒体上发布了这条爆炸性的推特。这条微博现在已经获得了266K个赞和58K条转发——而且还在不断增加!

    So let’s take a look at this beautiful piece of history below which has scored humanity some solid karma points in a tiring battle against the bad news.


    Historian Myko Clelland shared the news about the mind-blowing discovery and it went viral on Twitter

    历史学家Myko Clelland分享了这一惊人发现的新闻,并在推特上疯传

    Bored Panda contacted Myko Clelland, the historian who shared the news on Twitter, to ask him about the importance of this mosaic. Although discoveries like this occur more often than you might imagine, Myko said that “it’s rare to find something in such good condition and so complete.” “Usually,” he continued, “man and nature have taken their course and parts may be missing or damaged.”

    Bored Panda联系了在Twitter上分享这一消息的历史学家Myko Clelland,询问他这幅镶嵌画的重要性。尽管像这样的发现比你想象的要多,但是Myko说:“很少有发现像这样完好无缺的。”“通常情况下,”他继续说,“人类和自然各走各的路,某些部分可能会丢失或损坏。”

    The uncovering of the mosaic work was done by the Soprintendenza di Verona, an organization “who have been tirelessly working to showcase some of the most tantalizing remnants of the ancient past in the area.” Myko said that he’s got a family in Verona “who showed me what they were working on and how magnificent what they have discovered is, and I just had to share it with the world—they deserve all the credit.”

    发现镶嵌画的工作是由Soprintendenza di Verona完成的,该组织“一直在不知疲倦地工作,以展示该地区一些最诱人的古代遗迹”。Myko说,他在维罗纳有一个家庭,“他们向我展示了他们正在做的工作,以及他们的发现是多么的伟大,我不得不与全世界分享,他们应该得到所有的荣誉。”

    Image credits: DapperHistorian

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