Have you priced birdseed lately? It’s expensive.
A family could enjoy some nice dinners for what it costs to fill backyard bird feeders. Think of it this way. In one city in the Southeast, a 50-pound bag of black oil sunflower seed cost $64.99. At a grocery store several doors away, that would buy eight 12-ounce rib-eye steaks ($7.99 a pound).
Sunflowers are maybe the easiest annual to start in your garden. liz west/flickr
There’s a much more budget-friendly way to attract birds to your yard or garden. Grow the plants that produce the seed that birds love. When the plants bloom, just leave the flowers on the plants instead of cutting them.
Here are 4 blooming plants that produce seeds or nectar that birds can’t resist, plus tips on how to grow each plant and the types of birds the plants will attract.
Asters bloom around the time when other flowers are fading. It gives the honeybee a much-needed pollination option. lkordela/Shutterstock
Plant description: Asters are perennials with starry-shaped daisy-like flower heads. They bring delightful color to the garden in late summer and autumn when many summer flowers may be fading. Height ranges from 8 inches to 8 feet, depending on the type.
How to grow: There are many kinds of asters and you can find an aster for almost any garden condition. They also have many uses, such as in borders, rock gardens, or wildflower gardens.
Birds they attract: Cardinals, chickadees, goldfinches, indigo buntings, nuthatches, sparrows, towhees.
Coreopsis will grow just about anywhere. 'Plants You Can't Kill'
Plant description: Coreopsis, also called tickseed, is a genus of more than 100 wildflower species. About 30 are native to North America, and many grow well in the Southeast. The entire genus is the official state wildflower of Florida.
How to grow: Plants in the genus like well-drained soils, including sandy soil, and full to part sun. They flower best when watered regularly, but will tolerate drought. Like many wildflowers, they re-seed readily. Blooms last from late spring to late summer. Grow in Zones 3-9.
Birds they attract: Seed-eating birds such as cardinals and goldfinches.
Golden rod (Solidago)

Goldenrod grows in fields and parks, but it'll be happy in your garden, too. 'Plants You Can't Kill'
Plant description: Goldenrods flower from late summer into the fall. There are more than 50 species in North America, most of which have spectacular displays of bright yellow flowers. They do not cause allergies, as many believe. Ragweed, which blooms at the same time, is the culprit.
How to grow: Plant in full sun for best results. Grow in Zones 3-9.
Birds they attract: Cardinals, chickadees, sparrows and buntings.
The blazing star (Liatris spicata) won't eat any insects, but it will had a burst of color to your bog garden. Rachel Kramer/flickr
Plant description: Commonly known as Blazing Star or Gayfeather, this is an under-used genus of strong vertical bloom stems that carry multitudes of purple to lavender flowers.
How to grow: They do well in a sunny border, especially when grown with purple and white coneflowers that will help support their flowering stems. Grow in Zones 3-10.
Birds they attract: Seed-eating birds such as bluebirds. Liatris is also a hummingbird favorite!