As a weight-loss coach, I’m astounded by the number of people I consult who still think eating fat is bad for their health. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Healthy fats are crucial for a variety of reasons, including:
· Maintaining steady energy
· Vitamin absorption
· Promoting healthy-looking skin
· Reducing inflammation
Certain healthy fats, like flaxseed oil, even help metabolize dietary fat.
Cold-water oily fish, such as salmon, are the best sources of healthy Omega 3 fatty acids. (Photo: bitt24/Shutterstock)
Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids (EFA)
Perhaps the most touted of the healthy fats are Omega 3 fatty acids. Many products, from eggs to cereals to mayonnaise, market their products as healthy because they contain Omega 3, but fortified Omega 3 products don’t contain the most potent and beneficial compounds. The best sources are cold-water oily fish, such as:sardines、mackerel、albacore tuna (pregnant women and children should minimize because of mercury contamination risk) and herring
Why are these fats essential?
EFAs are necessary for peak health because our bodies don’t produce them on our own; we need to acquire it from dietary sources. There are three forms of Omega 3 acids: ALA, EPA and DHA. The cold water fish listed above contain EPA and DHA, which have been proven scientifically to:reduce blood pressure and fat in the blood、lower triglyceride levels (a more important marker for heart disease than cholesterol)、reduce risk of sudden cardiac death and inhibit development of coronary heart disease.
EFAs对于达到最佳健康状态是必要的,因为我们的身体不会自己产生它们;我们需要从饮食中获取它。欧米伽3酸有三种形式:ALA, EPA和DHA。以上列出的冷水鱼含有EPA和DHA,经科学证明可:降低血压和血液中的脂肪,含较低的甘油三酯水平(比胆固醇更重要的心脏病指标)、降低心脏性猝死的风险,抑制冠心病的发展。
Saturated fat: Avoid like the plague?
Mainstream dietary professionals continue to vilify saturated fat as a major contributor to heart disease.
Some researchers, however, contend that a modest amount of natural sources of saturated fat like butter and dairy and other animal sources offer numerous nutritional benefits. Some even go a step further suggesting that a major culprit for heart disease is not saturated fat, but polyunsaturated vegetable oils turning rancid during the cooking process as well as hydrogenated oils used in processed foods, which are also commonly known as trans fats—the worst type of dietary fat to consume.
Saturated fats when exposed to heat do not chemically change easily like vegetable oils. Olive oil, a monounsaturated vegetable oil and a very healthy fat, is the exception to this rule.
Consume at least a little amount of healthy fats at every meal, if you want to enjoy steady energy throughout the day and get optimum nutrition benefits. Opt for Omega 3 cold-water fish sources two to four times per week. Include monounsaturated sources like olive oil, avocados and most nuts. Avoid cooking with polyunsaturated fats like soybean and safflower and corn oil. Saturated fat is ok in moderation as long as it’s from a natural source and hasn’t been overcooked.
如果你想在一天中获得稳定的能量并获得最佳的营养,那么每顿饭至少要摄入少量的健康脂肪。每周选择2 - 4次欧米伽3冷水鱼类。包括单一不饱和来源,如橄榄油,鳄梨和大多数坚果。避免使用多不饱和脂肪如大豆、红花油和玉米油烹调。饱和脂肪是可以接受的,只要它来自自然来源并且没有被过度烹饪。