Whether patients have problems after surgery could depend on their surgeons' behavior, a new study suggests.
The study, published Wednesday in the journal JAMA Surgery, found that patients were at higher risk of complications if their surgeons were more often reported by colleagues for "unprofessional behavior" in the three years leading up to the surgery.
"Having critical things happen at the exact right time is an essential function for those teams," said study author Dr. William O. Cooper, director of the Center for Patient and Professional Advocacy at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. "And to do that, people have to be able to talk with each other, show mutual respect and constantly be aware of what's going on around them."
In the study, 14.1% of patients whose surgeons had been reported by co-workers at least four times experienced medical or surgical complications, including subsequent infections, lung and kidney problems.
The numbers -- which come from more than 13,600 patients and roughly 200 surgeons at two academic medical centers -- may seem like a small increase, Cooper said. But if they are representative of the country at large, "that could mean more than half a million additional complications every year, just teasing out the effects of these unprofessional behaviors ... which also results in costs."
Surgeons might be reported for a range of unprofessional conduct -- like yelling at co-workers or disregarding hospital policies -- that need not include examples of direct harm or neglect to patients. Rather, the data suggests that bad behavior could more broadly create an environment in which people don't communicate effectively or are afraid to speak up or ask for help, Cooper said.
Although the study can't show direct cause and effect, previous research has also linked negative behavior among surgeons to poorer performance and malpractice claims, according to another recent study whose author said these findings are hardly surprising.
"It's not just how well you cut, sew and tie," said surgical oncologist Dr. Alex Haynes, who was not involved in the study. "It's how well you communicate, lead and explain that matters to how your patients do."
CNN spoke to several surgeons and trainees across various fields. But it can be hard to tell just by looking at colleagues, with some complaints seeming minor or arbitrary. And many unprofessional behaviors go completely unreported.
Still, doctors say the field is changing for the better. The stereotype of the brusque surgeon, Haynes said, "is probably more historic than current. When we look at who are becoming surgeons now, in the 21st century, it's very different than it was decades ago."