Jaafar Ashtiyeh / AFP / Getty
Samaritan worshippers arrive to take part in a Passover ceremony on top of Mount Gerizim, near the West Bank city of Nablus, on May 2, 2021. The Samaritans are a community of a few hundred people living in Israel and in the Nablus area who trace their lineage to the ancient Israelites led by the biblical prophet Moses out of Egypt.
2021年5月2日,撒玛利亚的信徒们抵达约旦河西岸城市 Nablus 附近的 Mount Gerizim 山顶参加逾越节仪式。撒玛利亚人是一个由居住在以色列和纳布卢斯的几百人组成的社区,他们的血统可以追溯到圣经中的先知摩西领导的古代以色列人。