Consolidation and sleep: Let biology do the work for you
Learning does not finish with the end of studying. For a memory trace to become permanently established in our long-term storage systems, structural biological changes must take place in brain tissue. New connections between neurons must be formed and firmly established.
These changes are not immediate and take time. In scientific terms, the mechanism through which recent memories become permanent memories is called ‘consolidation’. Although some consolidation occurs during wakefulness, the primary time for consolidation is sleep.
Have you ever studied for an exam through the night? If so, did you perform as well as in other exams for which you enjoyed a full night of undisturbed sleep? Probably not. Unsurprisingly, researchers have found that sleep deprivation impairs memory consolidation and undermines learning. In fact, sleep deprivation (before or after learning) can worsen performance in a declarative memory test by as much as 20-50%, . Moreover, prolonged sleep deprivation has permanent damaging effects on memory.
你是否曾为了考试熬夜学习?如果这样做过,你在考试中的表现和享受了一整晚不受打扰的睡眠时一样好吗?大概不是。毫不奇怪,研究人员发现,睡眠不足会损害记忆巩固,从而影响学习。事实上,睡眠不足(不论是学习之前还是学习之后)都会使被试在陈述性记忆测试中的表现降低20%~50%。 不仅如此,长期睡眠不足还会对记忆造成永久性伤害。
On the other hand, you can use sleep as a powerful aid in-between your study sessions. You may have heard of ‘power naps’ – short periods of sleep used to refresh energy. There is now robust evidence to recommend naps. Napping during the day will protect your memory from trace decay (see section ‘Trace decay’) and interference (see section “Interference”) due to sleep-induced consolidation processes. In other words, you will forget less of the subject studied than if you stayed awake for the same amount of time.
If you decide to give napping a try, it is important to be aware of the different stages of sleep. Napping for the maximum of 20 minutes is effective for restoring your energy, however, it is not enough to reach deeper stages of sleep during which consolidation occurs.
In order to boost your memory, you need to sleep for at least 60 minutes. However, napping for 60 minutes has the downside of leaving you in a groggy state for about 30 minutes afterward (because you wake up in the middle of deep sleep). Therefore, it is best to sleep for a full 90 minute cycle. After that, you will both feel refreshed and your memory will benefit from consolidation. Another good option that has been found to be effective is to schedule your study session to the evening right before sleep.
In summary, we recommend the following:
·Take a 20-minute nap to restore your energy.
·Take a 90-minute nap after a study session to consolidate your memory.
·Schedule your study sessions before sleep to reap the full benefits of consolidation.