《By The Way》中英双语歌词
Standing in line 一字长蛇阵
To see the show tonight等待好戏上演
And there's a light on表演时间开始
Heavy glow 灯火通明
By the way I tried to say我不会错过
I'd be there…waiting for一定要捧场
Dani the girl 女孩惊现
Is singing songs to me 为我献唱
Beneath the marquee…overload人潮争相而至
Steak knife card shark 餐刀 老千
Con job boot cut 骗局 削减(靴减)
Skin that flick 肌肤轻拭而起
She's such a little DJ 她不是打碟高手
Get there quick 火速赶往
By street but not the freeway穿街过巷
Turn that trick 使出小把戏
To make a little leeway 渐渐回旋落地
Beat that nic 踢开线槽板
But not the way that we play 不是我们的玩法
Dog town blood bath 狗镇 血浴
Rib cage soft tail 囚笼 摇尾
Black jack dope dick 怪杰 低俗
Pawn shop quick pick 当铺 抢购
Kiss that dyke 拉拉一吻
I know you want to hold one 你需要的是拥抱
Not on strike 不是想过口瘾
But I'm about to bowl one我将会如你所愿
Bite that mic 吞吐麦克风
I know you never stole one 你一定不会偷藏
Girls that like 女孩子就是喜欢
A story so I told one 我的故事
Song bird main line 金丝雀 主线
Cash back hard top 退钱 撑场
可以说红辣椒乐队的每首歌曲都是经典,永远有一种让人百听不厌的感觉,《By The Way》更是如此,很难界定《By The Way》到底偏向那种风格,似乎每种风格红辣椒都会在自己的音乐中尝试一下,红辣椒的音乐之路就是一条永远不停止探索的音乐之路。