1.More than usual e_ xtra_____
2.Sweet food eaten at the end of a meal d__essert____
3.Make something ready p___repare___
4.Difficult in an interesting way that tests your ability c___hallenging___
5.Give up d__rop________
6.Angry m___ad_________
7.A dirty or untidy state m___ess_______
8.Not polite r___ude_______
9.Believe that somebody is good t___rust________
10.Give a reason for something e___xplain______
场面,景色 scene 文学 literature 自私的 selfish 真诚地,真实地 truly 主要地,大体上 mainly 关系 relationship 缺乏爱心的 unloving 广播,播放 broadcast 解释,说明 n. explanation (慎重地)选择 select 行为,举止 behaviour 砰地关上 slam 成年人 adult 文化 culture 最近,近来 recently
窗帘,幕布 curtain
主持人 host
朝代,王朝 dynasty
短途旅行,远足 outing