一. 根据英文释义写出单词。(10’)
1. Body shape figure______________
2. Very valuable or important priceless______________
3. Beautiful or pleasant to look at attractive______________
4. Unable to understand puzzled______________
5. People who saw an accident and can
describe it to others witnesses______________
6. Frightening or unpleasant dreams nightmares______________
7. Making people believe something is true convincing______________
8. Not polite rude______________
9. Believe that somebody is good trust_______________
10. Make something ready prepare_______________
二. 根据中文意思写出单词。(30’)
无法解释的 unexplained 令人困惑的 puzzling
财宝,财富 treasure 成就 n. achievement
神秘的 mysterious 动物,人 creature
令人恐惧的 frightening 可能性 possibility
谋杀 n. v. murder 证据 evidence
皮包骨的,极瘦的 skinny 感到失望的 disappointed