
对“七夕”这个节日的英文译名,有很多种说法,诸如seventh evening of the seventh moon in lunar calendar、the Star Festival、Double Seventh Night等等,我们来看维基百科上的介绍是怎样的:
Qixi Festival, also known as Magpie Festival, falls on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month on the Chinese calendar.
Magpie意为喜鹊,七夕有牛郎(cowherd)织女(weaver girl)鹊桥相会,所以Magpie Festival就可以用来表示“七夕节”。
Young girls traditionally demonstrate their domestic arts.
七夕有“乞巧”的风俗,所以也被称为The Festival to Plead for Skills。
在天文中,真正的牛郎星和织女星,可就不是cowherd和weaver girl了,而是Altair和Vega。
对“七夕”这个节日的英文译名,有很多种说法,诸如seventh evening of the seventh moon in lunar calendar、the Star Festival、Double Seventh Night等等,我们来看维基百科上的介绍是怎样的:
Qixi Festival, also known as Magpie Festival, falls on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month on the Chinese calendar.
Magpie意为喜鹊,七夕有牛郎(cowherd)织女(weaver girl)鹊桥相会,所以Magpie Festival就可以用来表示“七夕节”。
Young girls traditionally demonstrate their domestic arts.
七夕有“乞巧”的风俗,所以也被称为The Festival to Plead for Skills。
在天文中,真正的牛郎星和织女星,可就不是cowherd和weaver girl了,而是Altair和Vega。