教程:托业词汇  浏览:677  
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    61.  Whether ... A or B , ........       无论是A还是B..........
      * 无论晴雨,我都会在那里。
    Whether it may rain or shine, I will be there.
        Whether he comes or not, the result will be the same.
    62. 虽然......;无论」还有以下两种特殊句型
      Although + S + V ... , ......

    à  原形V + S   ... , ........
    Wh-ever  + S + V ..., ..........

     à 原形V + wh-ever + S  ... , ........
      * 虽然家很简陋,但还是没有地方比家好。
    Although it is ever so humble, there is no place like home.
      = Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home.
        Whatever you may say, I don’t believe it.
      = Say what(ever) you may, I don’t believe it.       
    63.  直到......
      S ... not V  +  until .....
    = Not until ...... + 助V + S + V      ß倒装句
    = It is not until ...... + that + S + V
      * 直到十一点,我才睡着。
    didn’t fall asleep until (it was) eleven.
      = Not until (it was) eleven did I fall asleep.
      = It was not until (it was) eleven that I fell asleep.
    64.  ............
      As soon as  S + V ,  S + V
     = The moment  S + V ,  S + V  此处moment亦可用minute, instant代替
     = Once  S + V ,  S + V       此处once亦可用directly, immediately, instantly代替
     = On + Ving,  S + V     ß前后主词相同时
     = At + n. ,  S + V     ß前后主词相同时
      * 一听到这消息,他就高兴得发了狂。
    As soon as he heard the news, he was beside himself with joy.
       = The moment he heard the news, he was beside himself with joy.
       = The instant he heard the news, he was beside himself with joy.
       = Once he heard the news, he was beside himself with joy.
       = Directly he heard the news, he was beside himself with joy.
       = On hearing the news, he was beside himself with joy.
       = At the news, he was beside himself with joy.
    65.  ............     ß此句型只用在过去式中
      As soon as  S + V ,  S + V
    = S +  had hardly pp when S + V
    scarcely before
    = S + had  no sooner  pp  than  S + V         ß比较级sooner后面连接词用than
    = No sooner  + had + S + pp   than  S + V      ß倒装句
      * 阵雨一过,天空就出现美丽的彩虹了。
        As soon as the shower passed, a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky.
      = The shower had hardly passed before a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky.
      = The shower had no sooner passed than a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky.
      = No sooner had the shower passed than a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky.
    66.  自从.....已有(一段时间)
       It  is  一段时间  since  S + Ved.
       has been
      = 一段时间 have passed   since  S + Ved.
      * 我毕业已经有三年了。
    It is[has been] three years since I graduated from school.
      = Three years have passed since I graduated from school.
    67.  ......目的是为了......
              so that
      S + V   in order that  S may  V        ß表目的的「连接词」
              so as to
     = S + V   in order to    +  V          ß表目的的「不定词」
             with a view to
     = S + V  for the sake of    +  n.[Ving]   ß表目的的「介系词」
             with the aim of
      * 我们努力用功目的是为了要有所成就。
    We study hard so that we may succeed.
      = We study hard that we may succeed.
      = We study hard so as to succeed.
      = We study hard to succeed.
      = We study hard for the sake of success.
    68.  ......目的是为了不要......;以免......;唯恐......
      S + V   for fear that    S  (should) + 原型V       
              in case that
     =  S + V   for fear of  + Ving.
      * 不要常去那儿,以免招来闲话。
    Don’t go there often lest you (should) get yourself talked about.
      = Don’t go there often for fear that you (should) get yourself talked about.
      = Don’t go there often for fear of getting yourself talked about.
      (= Don’t go there often in order not to get yourself talked about.)
    69.  如此......以至于......
      so  +  adj   +  ( a + n. )  +   that 子句
      as to V
      such + ( a ) + ( adj ) + n.
      * 他很诚实所以大家都相信他。
        He is so honest a man that he is trusted by all.
      = He is so honest a man as to be trusted by all.
      = He is so honest that he is trusted by all.
      = He is so honest as to be trusted by all.
      = He is such an honest man that he is trusted by all.
      = He is such an honest man as to be trusted by all.
    70.  一则因为A,再则因为B......
     What with  A  and  (what with)  B
      * 一方面因为饿,在方面因为累,他因而倒在路上。
        What with hunger and (what with) fatigue, he fell down on the road.
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