教程:托业词汇  浏览:1034  
  • 提示:点击文章中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
    51.  A之于B犹如C之于D
       A is to B  as  C is to D
      * 阅读之于心灵,犹如食物之于身体。
    Reading is to the mind as food is to the body.
       =Readingis to the mind what food is to the body.
       (= As food is to the body so is reading to the mind.)
    52.  … no more … than …  一样不…(两者皆非…)
     … no less … than …   一样…(两者皆一样…)
      * 她跟你一样不用功。                  * 你跟你母亲一样漂亮。
         She is no more diligent than you.          You are no less beautiful thanyour mother.
       = She is not diligent, nor are you.            = You are as beautiful as your mother.
       = Neither she nor you are diligent.           = Both you and your mother are beautiful.
    53.  宁愿...也不愿...
       would    rather 
     had      sooner
      + V + than + V
    = prefer +  n.   to  n.
     Ving  Ving
    = prefer + to V + rather than + V
      * 我宁愿站也不愿坐。
      I would rather stand than sit.
    = I would sooner stand than sit
    = I had sooner stand than sit.
    = I had rather stand than sit
    = I prefer standing to sitting.
    = I prefer to stand rather than sit.
    54.  not so much  A  as  B   与其说是A不如说是B
      * 人生的成功与其说是在于天才,不如说是在于勤奋。
    Success in life depends not so much on talent as on diligence.
    55.  (...几倍...
                      as + adj. ( + as B )              ß看动词决定用adj.或adv.
     A + V + 倍数 +   adj.比较级 ( + than B )        
                      the 名词  ( + of B )
      * 这条河是那条河的两倍长。
         This river is twice as long as that.
    = This river is twice longer than that.
    = This river is twice the length of that.
    56.  know better + than to V   不会那么傻到去做...
      * 我不会蠢到去做那样的事。
         I know better than to do such a thing. (= I am not so foolish as to do such a thing.)
    57.  (Al)though  S + V ,  S + V.   虽然...但是...
      * 虽然他穷,但是很快乐。
     Although(Though) he is poor, (yet) he is very happy.
    Although poor, he is very happy.            ß有although就不要有but
    = He is poor, but he is very happy.            ß有but就不要有although
    58.  虽然...;尽管...
     Although + S + V ,  ~~.
      For all
      With all
    = In spite of
     +   n.
      Ving. ,      .
      * 尽管她有钱,但是并不快乐。
         Although she is wealthy, she is unhappy.
    In spite of her wealth, she is unhappy.
    59.  A  + 名词
     副词          + as[though]  S + V , ...........       虽然...;尽管...
      * 她虽是女流之辈,却很有信心。
    Although she is a woman, she has much confidence.
      = Woman as she is, she has much confidence.           ß冠词要去掉
    Although it seems impossible, it is true.
      = Impossible though it seems, it is true.
    Although he may try, he can not succeed.
      = Try as he may, he can not succeed.               ß甚至连动词也可以移前
    60.   Wh-ever ......, S + V.  无论...(何时何地什么...),   。
     =No matter wh- ......, S + V. 
      * 无论什么时候去看他,都会发现他埋首书桌。
    Whenever[=No matter when] we call on him, we will find him at his desk.
    Whatever[=No matter what] you may do, do it well.
    Whosever[=No matter whose] son you are, I can’t make an exception of you.
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