1.bona fide:a. 真正的,真诚的
例如:The report should be made bona fide and without malice.(那报告应该是真实无诈的。)
2.bonfire:n. 野火,营火
3.booby trap:n. 1.恶作剧把戏 2.伪装地雷
4.boon:n. 恩惠
5.boost:v. 推动,促进
例如:These changes will help to boost share prices.(这些变化将有助于提高股票价格。)
6.bootleg:v. 走私
例如:He wanted to run bootleg whisky to the border , and get into the big money.(他要把私酿的威士忌酒偷运到边界去赚大钱。)
7.booze:v. 痛饮 n. 酒宴
例如:She’s been off the booze for a month now.(到现在她已经一个月滴酒不沾了。)
8.bountiful:a. 慷慨的,大方的
例如:If the British were as bountiful as the Americans, donations to charities would more than treble.(如果英国人像美国人那样慷慨,那么给慈善事业的捐赠将超过现在的3倍。)
9.bounty:n. 1.奖金,赏金 2.慷慨
10.brainstorming:n. 合力攻关,献计献策