1. candid:a. 忠实的,率直的,坦诚的
He was quite candid about the way the case had been handled.(对于这个案子的处理手法他直言不讳。)
I felt she was being less than candid with me.(我感觉她对我一点都不坦白。)
2. canny:a. 精明的,机警的,不易受骗的
3. canoe:n. 独木舟
4. canon:n. 1.教会法规2.(行为或思想的)规范,准则3.(任职大教堂的)教士
5. canter:n. (指马)小跑,慢跑
Black Beauty went cantering round and round the ring.(“黑美人”绕着表演场缓缓地跑着。)
6. canvass:v. 1.在或向……游说(以争取选票或调查意见)2.(向某人)投降(指根据商定的条件)
We are canvassing for the Republican candidate.(我们在为共和党候选人拉票助选。)
7. caprice:n. 反复无常,善变(形容词形式:capricious)
Don’t act on caprice. Study your problem.(不要任性行事,研究一下自己的问题。)
8. capsize:v. 使(船)倾覆
9. cardiac:a. 心脏(病)的
They managed to revive the injured driver with cardiac massage.(他们通过心脏按压使受伤的司机苏醒了过来。)
Death is caused by cardiac failure.(心脏衰竭引起死亡。)
10. caress:n. 抚爱,轻吻v. 抚爱,轻轻拥抱