1.claimant:n. 申请者,索赔人
2.clamour:n. 吵闹,喧哗v. 喧嚷,叫嚣
3.clandestine:a. 秘密的,暗中的
She is the director of clandestine operations of the CIA.(她是中央情报局秘密行动的负责人。)
4.claustrophobia:n. 幽闭恐惧症
The nurse cleansed the wound before stitching it.(护士先把伤口弄干净后才把它缝合。)
6.cleavage:n. 裂缝,分裂
7.cleave:v. 劈开
His spade cleaved the firm sand with a satisfying crunch.(他的锹凿开了坚实的砂土,发出令人舒心的嘎扎声。)
8.clutter:v. (以…)塞满… n. 零乱
clutter sth up (with sth) (用…塞满…)
9.coddle:v. 溺爱
10. coefficient:n. 系数