1.smug:a. 自满的,沾沾自喜的
例如:I reckon she has good reason to feel smug.(我认为她洋洋得意必有其缘故。)
2.snag:n. 1. 潜在的困难,意外的障碍 2. 尖利的突出物v. 绊住
3.snare:n. 1. 罗网,陷阱 2. 诱人上当的事物 v. (用罗网或陷阱)诱捕
例如:I used tosnare small birds such as sparrows.(我曾常用罗网捕捉麻雀等小鸟。)
4.snipe:v. 1. 伏击,狙击 2. 抨击
例如:A gunman sniped at them from the roof.(枪手从屋顶上向他们狙击。)
5.snooty:a. 妄自尊大的,傲慢的
例如:He's toosnooty to associate with his old friends now he's rich. (他现在富有了竟然傲慢的不屑与老朋友交往了。)
6.snub:v. & n. 冷落,怠慢
例如:She snubbed him by ignoring his question.(她不去理他的问题,借此冷落他。)
7.sobriety:n. 审慎,节制
8.soggy:a. 湿透的,粘湿的
例如:The ground was soggy after the heavy rain.(大雨过后, 地面湿透了。)
9.solace:n. 安慰,慰藉 v. 安慰某人
His acting career took a nosedive and he turned to drink for solace.(演艺事业突然一落千丈,他便借酒浇愁。)
10.solemnity:n. 1. 庄严,严肃 2. 郑重的仪式,典礼
1.prolong:v. 延长,拖延
例如:Two countries prolonged signing an agreement until details could be agreed on.(两国推迟签约直到就细节达成协议。)
2.prone:a. 1. 易于…的,有…倾向的 2. 俯卧的
例如:The police found him in a prone position with a knife in his back.(警方发现他俯卧着, 背上有一把刀。)
3.proximity:n. 接近,邻近
4.prune:n. 梅干 v. 修剪,删除
例如:The workers have pruned all the dead branches.(工人们已经剪去了所有的枯枝。)
5.pseudo:a. 假的,冒充的
例如:Her care for the poor is completely pseudo.(她对穷人的关心完全是假的。)
6.puberty:n. 青春期
7.pulse:n. 1. 脉搏,脉冲 2. 节奏,拍子
8.puncture:n. & v. 刺,戳,穿孔
例如:Some glass on the road punctured my new tyre.(路上的玻璃刺破了我的新轮胎。)
9.pungent:n. (气味等)浓烈的
10.punitive:a. 1. 惩罚的,刑罚的 2.严厉的
例如:They took punitive measures against the whole gang.(他们对整帮人采取惩罚性措施。)