Wen Jiabao, China's premier, yesterday began a tour of European capitals that will explore ways to involve China in efforts to tackle the world's economic crisis.
Beijing, which has described Mr Wen's trip as a “tour of confidence,” hopes it will help dispel some of the questions about the impact of the crisis on China's rapidly slowing economy. There are also hopes that it will boost relations damaged by the cancellation of a EU-China summit last month.
EU representatives, keen to secure Chinese co-operation to overcome the global downturn, are pleased that Mr Wen is to meet members of the Brussels-based European Commission en bloc, a gesture which they said showed that China's leaders were paying more attention to how EU institutions work.
Mr Wen's itinerary takes in the World Economic Forum in Davos as well as Brussels, Berlin, London and Madrid. But it excludes Paris, in an apparent sign of disapproval of a meeting Nicolas Sarkozy, France's president, held last year with the Dalai Lama, Tibet's exiled spiritual leader. That meeting prompted Beijing to cancel the EU-China summit in early December.
“It's good that the Chinese are taking the EU institutions seriously,” Graham Watson, leader of the liberals in the European parliament, told reporters. “The weakness of their position is the belief that they can split the Europeans by pointedly not visiting Paris.”
Mr Wen is expected to make the case that China's main contribution to resolving the economic crisis will be to maintain relatively high growth, fuelled partly by a fiscal spending plan.
“Demand from China and its economic growth will serve as an impetus for [the] world economy to recover from the downturn,” said a commentary by the official Xinhua news agency yesterday on Mr Wen's trip. Chinese officials are keen to avoid a broader debate about the role of currency and trade issues. Although China has run record trade surpluses during the past three months, fuelling the arguments of critics who claim its currency is undervalued, the government is under pressure at home to weaken the renminbi in order to help struggling exporters.
Officials are still smarting at comments by Timothy Geithner, the new US Treasury secretary, who told a Senate hearing last week that China was “manipulating” its currency. China's commerce ministry said, in an unusually prompt and sharply worded response, the allegation was untrue and could encourage US protectionist sentiment.
Some EU officials take the view that China's trade surplus with Europe will prove politically unsustainable in the long run, with a backlash among European politicians, business people and voters more likely the longer it continues.
欧盟代表们渴望得到中国的合作,以共同克服全球衰退。他们对温家宝将会见总部位于布鲁塞尔的欧盟委员会(European Commission)全体成员感到高兴。他们表示,这一姿态表明中国领导人正对欧盟机构的运作方式给予更多的关注。
温家宝行程包括在达沃斯出席世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum),以及访问布鲁塞尔、柏林、伦敦和马德里,但不包含巴黎,这是一个明显的信号,显示出对法国总统尼古拉•萨科齐(Nicolas Sarkozy)去年会晤流亡西藏精神领袖达赖喇嘛的不满。那次会晤促使中国政府取消了原定于去年12月初举行的欧中峰会。
“中国正认真对待欧盟机构,这是好事,”欧洲议会自由派领袖格雷厄姆•沃森(Graham Watson)对记者们表示,“他们立场的不足之处,是以为通过故意不访问巴黎,可以分裂欧洲人。”
中国官员们仍为美国新任财长蒂姆•盖特纳(Timothy Geithner)的有关评论感到不快。盖特纳上周在参议院听证会上表示,中国正在“操纵”汇率。中国商务部迅速做出尖锐的、与常态不同的回应,称这种说法不实,并且可能助长美国的保护主义情绪。