Gordon Brown on Tuesday called an election for May 6, asking the British electorate for a “clear and straightforward mandate” to extend 13 years of Labour rule and “secure the recovery”.
英国首相戈登·布朗(Gordon Brown)周二宣布在5月6日举行大选,请求选民赋予工党“明确、直接的授权”,延续该党13年的执政期,“确保经济复苏”。
Flanked by his cabinet outside Downing Street, the prime minister opened a campaign that gives him four weeks to overturn a clear Conservative advantage in the opinion polls to gain his first electoral mandate as leader. “Now all of us, let's go to it,” he said.
The prime minister had earlier travelled the mile from Downing Street to Buckingham Palace, following a cabinet meeting, to ask the Queen to dissolve parliament a week on Tuesday.