谷歌通过经营许可证年检 遵守中国法律
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    Beijing - A Chinese government official said Sunday China had approved renewing the operation license of Beijing Guxiang Information Technology Co. Ltd., operator of Google's China website.

    The official with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), who spoke anonymously, told Xinhua that the result of its annual checkup on Google was "Approved after Rectification."

    Guxiang submitted an application letter to the MIIT on June 29 to renew Google's Internet Content Provider (ICP) license, a permit to run websites in China.

    In the application letter, Guxiang pledged to "abide by Chinese law," and "ensure the company provides no law-breaking content as stipulated in the 57th statement in China's regulations concerning telecommunications."

    The statement says that any organization or individual is prohibited from using the Internet to spread any content that attempts to subvert state power, undermine national security, infringe on national reputation and interests, or that incites ethnic hatred and secession, transmits pornography or violence.

    Guxiang also accepted that all content it provides is subject to supervision of government regulators, said the official.

    "After our assessment, we decided that Guxiang had basically met the requirements. Guxiang's license renewal application is approved," the official said.

    The official said the country will stick to the opening-up policy and welcome foreign investments in China, but the government will follow the principle of law-based management.


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