Jeans are the most politically explosive things that can be found clinging to an MP's lower limbs. Just look at the latest pictures of William Hague, out strolling with his special adviser. What was wee Willie thinking? That maybe some day his Italian ice cream salesman-cum-gigolo look is going to catch on? Check out those peekaboo wraparound sunglasses and white long-sleeved T-shirt. Are they entirely suitable for the First Secretary of (what a) State?
从古至今,“牛仔系列”的装扮在政坛中显然是有些“不合时宜”的,英国现任外交大臣威廉-黑格(William Hague)在最近被拍的照片中却展现出令人眼前一亮的一面。媒体评论这位政坛明星身穿白色长袖T恤外加黑色牛仔裤着实看起来像意大利售卖冰激凌的小贩!!!让我们来看看这些往日“西装革履”,如今T恤、仔裤却依然风度翩翩的政坛明星们吧。

资料图 全球政要时髦牛仔装扮打破"穿衣史"
Loose fit: David Miliband (left); baggy and saggy: Nick Clegg (centre); and a black mark: William Hague (right)
中图:自由民主党党魁克莱格(Nick Clegg)
And if you thought William had learned his lesson on the baseball cap front - which is that they rarely look good on males over the age of six - think again.
At least he's not wearing it back to front and drinking a coconut cocktail; for this small mercy, thanks. Most astounding, perhaps, are William's modish black jeans, of the type last seen on Take That's backing dancers and never, ever before on a Conservative Foreign Secretary.

资料图 全球政要时髦牛仔装扮打破"穿衣史"
Baby jeans: David and Samantha Cameron

资料图 全球政要时髦牛仔装扮打破"穿衣史"
Foot fault: Barack Obama (L); jean meanie: Denim duo the Sarkozys (R)

资料图 全球政要时髦牛仔装扮打破"穿衣史"
Paddy pant-on: Paddy Ashdown (L); Belt up: Iain Duncan Smith (C); and straights kinda guy: Tony Blair (R)
左图:前自民党领袖派迪?阿什道恩(Paddy Ashdown)
中图:保守党领袖伊安-杜肯-史密斯(Iain Duncan Smith)

资料图 全球政要时髦牛仔装扮打破"穿衣史"
Cowboy: George Bush (L); True blue: Michael Portillo (C); Bandy Mandy: Peter Mandelson (R)
中图:萨谬尔-约翰逊奖的评委会主席迈克尔-波蒂洛(Michael Portillo)