The media mogul Rupert Murdoch has paid more than $57 million for the top four flours of One Madison, a steel and glass luxury condominium tower in downtown Manhattan, according to people briefed on the sale.
传媒界大佬鲁伯特·默多克(Rupert Murdoch)斥资5700万美元(约合人民币3.47亿元),一举买下了曼哈顿下城区的One Madison这座钢铁与玻璃结构的豪华共管公寓大厦最顶端的四层。消息是这笔交易的经手人透露的。
Rupert Murdoch, chief executive and chairman of News Corp, has critiqued Republican presidential candidate, Mitt Romney.
Mr. Murdoch recently became a bachelor after he and his former wife, Wendi Deng, divorced last November, ending 14 years of marriage. As part of the divorce settlement, he signed over to Ms. Deng a triplex penthouse at 834 Fifth Avenue, which he bought for $44 million in 2005. The couple’s two young daughters, Grace and Chloe, will live with their mother.
The divorce did not affect the ownership and control of Mr. Murdoch’s multibillion-dollar media conglomerate, which was last year split into two separate companies: News Corporation, a publishing company, and 21st Century Fox, which houses film and television assets.
这桩离婚官司,并未影响默多克对其价值数十亿美元的传媒集团的控制力和所有权。该集团已于去年被分拆成两家独立的公司:一家是出版公司新闻集团(News Corporation),另一家是21世纪福克斯电影公司(21st Century Fox),负责经营集团的娱乐资产。
Mr. Murdoch’s new apartment will be on the 57th through 60th floors of One Madison, a building near Madison Square Park. The owner of the building, Related Companies, said in a statement announcing the sale — without naming Mr. Murdoch as the buyer — that the apartment encompassed more than 10,000 square feet. The residence “offers a soaring double-height great room with dramatic floor-to-ceiling windows and a wraparound terrace, with uninterrupted cinematic views of Manhattan, river to river and from the World Trade Center to the uptown tip of Madison Avenue,” Related said.
默多克的新公寓将位于One Madison的第57至60层。麦迪逊广场公园(Madison Square Park)近在咫尺。大楼的所有者Related Companies在一份有关此销售的声明中透露,这套公寓面积大于10000平方英尺(约合929平方米),但并未点名称默多克为买家。该住宅“具备一间高耸的双层挑高的大房间,带从地面直通天花板的夸张大窗及一处弧形露台。外面是如电影般一览无余的曼哈顿景致,河流纵横,从世贸中心(World Trade Center)到麦迪逊大道(Madison Avenue)位于上城区的那端,”相关人士说。
The Fifth Avenue apartment, which had been previously owned by a Rockefeller, had strong sentimental value for him, Mr. Murdoch has told friends, as he had coveted it since he first arrived in New York decades ago.
But he has signaled a determination to move on, and will do so from his new perch downtown. Other owners at One Madison include Tom Brady, the New England Patriots quarterback, and his wife, Gisele Bündchen.
但是,他已表现出了一种向前看的决心,从他在下城区购置的新居来看,也的确会这么做。One Madison内的其他房主包括新英格兰的爱国者队(New England Patriots)的四分卫汤姆·布兰迪(Tom Brady)和他的妻子吉赛尔·邦臣(Gisele Bündchen)。