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    World Trade Center, a Pillar of Resilience, Is Open for Business


    NEW YORK — More than 13 years after a terrorist attack destroyed the twin towers — soaring symbols of New York City’s might, financially and structurally — the first employees of the first tenant in the building erected to take their place arrived on Monday for their first workday.


    “The building is open for business,” said Jordan Barowitz, an official of the Durst Organization, which developed the building, 1 World Trade Center, with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. “It’s a beautiful building, it’s a historic building, but it’s an office building and it’s open for business.”

    “这座大楼在对外营业,”德斯集团管理人员乔丹·巴罗维茨(Jordan Barowitz)说。“这是一座漂亮的建筑,具有历史意义的建筑,但这也是一座办公大楼,是对外营业的。”德斯集团(Durst Organization)和纽约与新泽西港口事务管理局(Port Authority of New York and New Jersey)共同开发了世界贸易中心1号大楼。

    At 1,776 feet in height, the building is steps from where the north tower stood until Sept. 11, 2001. But where that sunny morning held a still-summery promise until the first jetliner lacerated 1 World Trade Center and smoke filled the jewel-blue sky, Monday was chilly and windy as employees of the magazine publisher Condé Nast arrived.

    大楼高1776英尺(约合541米),离2001年9月11日倒塌的世贸北楼所在位置仅几步之遥。但在那个阳光明媚的早上,仍在夏日的希望洋溢,直到世贸中心1号大楼被第一架飞机击碎,宝石蓝般的天空中满是滚滚浓烟。而杂志出版商康泰纳仕出版集团(Condé Nast)的员工到达大楼时的周一,天气寒冷多风。

    They walked under the lobby’s high ceilings, adorned in white marble from the same quarry as the old towers — one of the many details that will remind them that their new workplace has an unavoidable connection to that day, and to the pledges of renewal made by elected officials and ordinary citizens alike.


    There was an awareness, too, of apprehension, reinforced by the comedian Chris Rock on “Saturday Night Live” less than 36 hours earlier. Referring to 1 World Trade Center as the Freedom Tower, he said: “They should change the name from the Freedom Tower to the ‘Never Going in There Tower,’ because I’m never going in there. There is no circumstance that will ever get me in that building.”

    也有人感到恐惧,喜剧演员克里斯·洛克(Chris Rock)在不到36个小时前参加《周六夜现场》(Saturday Night Live)时强化了这种恐惧感。他说,“他们应该将自由塔改名为‘打死也不进去塔’,因为我绝不会进那栋大楼。无论什么情况,休想让我进去。”

    “I can understand the fear behind it,” said a Condé Nast employee, Vijay Ramcharitar, 25, whose new office is on the 21st floor.

    25岁的维贾伊·拉姆查里塔(Vijay Ramcharitar)说,“我能理解这背后的恐惧。” 这名康泰纳仕出版集团员工的新办公室位于21层。

    But he was resolute about going to work. “If you live in fear,” he said, “you can’t get anything done in your life.” He called the building “an inspiration” and said it was “cool” to have a place there.


    The company’s arrival was an extraordinary moment that passed in the most ordinary of ways, as employees simply walked in and took elevators to their floors. There were no ribbons being cut, no marching bands playing and no elected officials giving speeches, in part because Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo had campaign appearances elsewhere.

    这家公司的入驻是一个非同寻常的时刻,但表现形式却是最普通的。员工们只是走进大楼,乘坐电梯到达各自的楼层。没有剪彩,没有演奏的游行乐队,也没有民选官员发表讲话,不过这部分是因为纽约州长安德鲁·M·库默(Andrew M.Cuomo)在其他地方参加竞选活动。

    The workers are what the company calls corporate employees, meaning that they do not work for any one of its magazines in particular. Some work in human relations, some in accounting.


    Glamour? It will come later, as will Vogue, Vanity Fair, The New Yorker and Condé Nast’s other magazines.

    光鲜的那部分呢?随后就到,《Vogue》、《名利场》(Vanity Fair)、《纽约客》(The New Yorker)以及康泰纳仕出版集团旗下的其他杂志此后也会搬过来。

    It was the culmination of 13 years of unusually public squabbles over architects and designs; of political jockeying and bureaucratic bickering; and of complicated construction work.


    Construction on 1 World Trade Center began in 2006, and the statistics were monumental. The building’s exterior cladding contains enough glass to cover 20 pro football fields. The building has as much steel as in 20,000 cars and enough concrete for a four-inch-thick sidewalk from New York to Chicago.


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