A long-awaited Senate report condemning torture by the Central Intelligence Agency has not even been made public yet, but former President George W. Bush’s team has decided to link arms with former intelligence officials and challenge its conclusions.
外界对参议院的一份谴责中央情报局(Central Intelligence Agency,简称CIA)使用酷刑的报告期待已久。如今该报告尚未公开,前总统乔治·W·布什(George W. Bush)的团队已经打算与一些前情报官员联手,对报告的结论发起挑战。
The report is said to assert that the C.I.A. misled Mr. Bush and his White House about the nature, extent and results of brutal techniques like waterboarding, and some of his former administration officials privately suggested seizing on that to distance themselves from the controversial program, according to people involved in the discussion. But Mr. Bush and his closest advisers decided that “we’re going to want to stand behind these guys,” as one former official put it.
Mr. Bush made that clear in an interview broadcast on Sunday. “We’re fortunate to have men and women who work hard at the C.I.A. serving on our behalf,” he told CNN’s Candy Crowley. “These are patriots and whatever the report says, if it diminishes their contributions to our country, it is way off base.”
布什在周日播放的一次访谈节目中申明了这一点。“这些为了我们在CIA努力工作的男男女女,有他们是我们的幸运,”他对CNN的坎迪·克劳利(Candy Crowley)说。“他们是爱国者,不管报告怎么说,如果它抹杀了他们对国家的贡献,那就太过分了。”
These are “really good people and we’re lucky as a nation to have them,” he said.
Former intelligence officials, seeking allies against the potentially damaging report, have privately reassured the Bush team in recent days that they did not deceive them and have lobbied the former president’s advisers to speak out publicly on their behalf. The defense of the program has been organized by former C.I.A. leaders like George J. Tenet and Gen. Michael V. Hayden, two former directors, and John E. McLaughlin, a former deputy C.I.A. director who also served as acting director.
为了应对这份可能造成不良影响的报告,前情报官员们在寻找盟友,他们近日私下里向布什团队保证,没有欺骗他们,并游说前总统的顾问们站出来为他们说话。为该项目作辩解的行动是由两位前CIA局长乔治·J·特尼特(George J. Tenet)和麦克尔·V·海登上将(Gen. Michael V. Hayden)以及前CIA副局长、曾任代局长的约翰·E·麦克劳克林(John E. McLaughlin)等人组织的。
“Once the release occurs, we’ll have things to say and will be making some documents available that bear on the case,” Mr. McLaughlin said Sunday. Although he could not discuss details because of a nondisclosure agreement, in general he said the report “uses information selectively, often distorts to make its points, and as I recall contains no recommendations.”
General Hayden added that the former C.I.A. team objected to the Senate’s characterization of their efforts. “We’re not here to defend torture,” he said by email on Sunday. “We’re here to defend history.”
General Hayden appeared earlier on Sunday on “Face the Nation” on CBS News to say that any assertion that the C.I.A. “lied to everyone about a program that wasn’t doing any good, that beggars the imagination.”
海登周日早些时候在CBS新闻频道(CBS News)的《面对国民》(Face the Nation)上说,声称CIA“曾就某个无甚益处的项目向所有人撒谎,是难以想象的。”
Jose A. Rodriguez Jr., who ran the C.I.A. interrogation program, said Sunday that critics now assailing the agency were pressing it after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, to do whatever it took to prevent a recurrence. “We did what we were asked to do, we did what we were assured was legal, and we know our actions were effective,” Mr. Rodriguez wrote in The Washington Post.
前CIA审讯项目负责人小何塞·A·罗德里格斯(Jose A. Rodriguez Jr.)在周日说,现在在攻击情报局的那些人,曾在2001年9月11日的袭击发生后敦促局方尽一切手段阻止袭击再度发生。“我们是按照这些要求行事的,我们是在确保合法后行事的,我们知道我们的行动是有效的,”罗德里格斯在《华盛顿邮报》(The Washington Post)的文章中写道。
A Senate official, who asked not to be named before the release of the report, said Sunday that its authors were saving their response to General Hayden, Mr. Rodriguez and others until the report was public so that they could review the facts they gathered and let Americans make up their own minds.
According to those familiar with it, the 6,000-page report by the Senate Intelligence Committee takes a sharply critical view of the C.I.A.’s interrogation of terrorism suspects in the first years after the Sept. 11 attacks, questioning the efficacy of torture and revealing more details about the program. It also suggests C.I.A. officers in the field may have misled officials at headquarters.
据了解内情的人称,这份6000页的参议院情报委员会(Senate Intelligence Committee)报告对9·11袭击后的第一年内,CIA对恐怖主义嫌疑人进行的审讯给予了尖锐的批评,质疑了施刑的有效性,并揭露了该项目的更多细节。报告还表示,在外的CIA官员可能对总部官员进行了误导。
The former officials said that neither Mr. Bush nor his advisers had been interviewed by the committee. William Burck, a former deputy White House counsel serving as a lawyer for Mr. Bush, was offered the opportunity to review the report on his behalf but only after it was written, at which point it was too late to offer meaningful input, former officials said. The offer at that point, they said, was declined.
数位前官员称,布什和他的顾问都没有被委员会约谈。前白宫副法律顾问、布什的律师威廉·博尔克(William Burck)受邀代表布什对报告进行审阅,但前官员说,当时报告已经完成,已经来不及给出任何有意义的建议。他们说,当时这项邀约被拒绝了。
The Senate official said the committee did not conduct interviews largely because of what was then a Justice Department criminal investigation, and said requests to coordinate interviews with the department had been rejected. But the official said the committee relied on transcripts of more than 100 previous interviews conducted by the C.I.A.’s inspector general.
参议院官员称,委员会没有约谈的主要原因是当时有一项司法部(Justice Department)的刑事调查,委员会要求和司法部进行协同面谈,但被拒绝了。该官员称,委员会依据的是CIA检察长此前主持的100多次面谈的对话记录。
The offer to Mr. Bush’s administration to review the report before its release was made by the Obama White House, not the committee, the official said, but the committee did not object other than to insist that whoever read it not disclose its contents before release.
The committee voted this year to release a declassified executive summary, and after months of negotiations over redactions, the committee’s chairwoman, Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California, had planned to finally make it public this week.
委员会今年投票决定,公布一份解密的行政报告摘要,在围绕涂黑处理进行了数月磋商后,委员会主席、加利福尼亚州民主党参议员戴安·范斯坦(Dianne Feinstein)终于打算在本周公布该摘要。