Before Shooting Two Officers, Gunman Bragged About His Plans
NEW YORK — The man who shot and killed two police officers in New York City on Saturday afternoon, targeting them solely because of the uniforms they wore, boasted to two people about what he was about to do just moments before he opened fire on the officers as they sat in their patrol car.
In a chilling and detailed account of the shooting, the police department’s chief of detectives, Robert Boyce, said that the gunman, Ismaaiyl Brinsley, 28, first walked past the patrol car, crossed the street and then approached the car from behind. He stood outside the passenger side window and fired four shots into the vehicle, killing the officers, Wenjian Liu, 32, and Rafael Ramos, 40.
警方侦查部门负责人罗伯特·博伊斯(Robert Boyce)详细讲述了这起枪击案,情形令人不寒而栗。枪手是28岁的伊斯马伊尔·布林斯利(Ismaaiyl Brinsley),他先是从这辆巡逻车旁边走过,穿过马路,然后绕回来从后面靠近巡逻车。他站在副驾驶座的窗前,向车内连开4枪,导致32岁的刘文健(Wenjian Liu音译)和40岁的拉斐尔·拉莫斯(Rafael Ramos)丧生。
Mr. Brinsley fled the scene but was followed by two Consolidated Edison workers whom the police called heroic. They alerted the police that Mr. Brinsley had headed down onto a Brooklyn subway platform, where he was confronted by police officers and killed himself with a single bullet.
布林斯利逃离了现场,但是爱迪生联合电气公司(Consolidated Edison)的两名工人尾随着他。这两名工人被警方称为英雄,他们告诉警方,布林斯利进了布鲁克林的地铁站台。在该站台里,布林斯利面对警察时,朝自己开了一枪,自杀身亡。
The killing of the two police officers, which Police Commissioner William J. Bratton has called an “assassination,'’ comes at a moment of heightened tension between Mayor Bill de Blasio and the Police Department.
警察局局长威廉·J·布拉顿(William J. Bratton)称,对这两名警察的攻击属于“暗杀”。此案发生时,正值纽约市长白思豪(Bill de Blasio)和警察局的关系高度紧张。
In a stunning show of disapproval and disrespect, police officers, led by union officials, turned their backs to him on Saturday night when the mayor went to the hospital to talk about the two officers who were killed.
Flags across the city flew at half-staff on Sunday as officials from President Obama to Attorney General Eric Holder condemned the murder of the officers and offered their condolences.
周日,整个城市降半旗致哀。从奥巴马到司法部长埃里克·霍尔德(Eric Holder),官员们纷纷对谋杀警员的行为予以谴责,并表达了哀思。
Chief Boyce said that the early investigation into Mr. Brinsley has not revealed any gang affiliations or links to extremist groups.
Mr. Brinsley had been arrested at least 19 times, Chief Boyce said, most of those occurring in Georgia. The charges included disorderly conduct and shoplifting. He spent about two years in jails in Georgia related to a weapons possession charge, Chief Boyce said.
The police would not speculate on any mental health issues that Mr. Brinsley might have had, saying only that his family said that he was on medication at some point for behavorial issues.
During an August 2011 plea hearing in Cobb County, Ga., he was asked: “Have you ever been a patient in a mental institution or under the care of a psychiatrist or psychologist?”
According to a court record, he responded yes. The record did not provide any other details.
Last year, Chief Boyce said, Mr. Brinsley tried to hang himself. As his family had grown increasingly worried about his behavior, Mr. Brinsley seems to have bounced among different residences.
On Saturday, Mr. Brinsley began his day with bloodshed, according to the police. Before he left for New York, he entered the apartment of a former girlfriend in Maryland at about 5:30 a.m., using a key he was not supposed to have, according to the police.
The two argued and he shot her once; she survived. He took her phone and offered updates on his plans for the rest of the day.
He was armed with a silver pistol and a desire to kill police officers. He took a Bolt bus to New York and arrived shortly before 11 a.m.
As he traveled to New York, he called the mother of his former girlfriend, saying that he accidentally shot her daughter. He said he hoped she would be okay.
He also posted updates on an Instagram account.
“I’m Putting Wings On Pigs Today,” Mr. Brinsley wrote in one, according to the police, where he also referred to the death of Eric Garner, who was killed in a confrontation with the police on Staten Island and Michael Brown, who was killed in a confrontation with police in Ferguson, Missouri. “They Take 1 Of Ours, Let’s Take 2 of Theirs.”
“我今天要给猪插上翅膀,”布林斯利在其中一条信息上写道,警方称,此外他还提到了埃里克·加纳(Eric Garner)和迈克尔·布朗(Michael Brown),前者在斯塔顿岛(Staten Island)与警方对峙时丧生,后者在密苏里州弗格森与警方对峙时被击毙。“他们打死我们一个,我们就打死他们两个。”
The mother of the woman he was suspected of shooting alerted the police about the messages around 1:30 p.m.
The messages were cryptic, suggesting officers would die but not specifying exactly where, and investigators in Maryland scrambled to determine where they had been posted from.
Soon after, they located the posts — and a cellphone carried by Mr. Brinsley — in southern Brooklyn.
Mr. Bratton said at 2:47 p.m. Mr. Brinsley approached the officers and fatally shot them in their car in the 79th Precinct, several miles north of where his cellphone had been located by the Baltimore County police.
Chief Boyce said that moments before the shooting, a cellphone video showed Mr. Brinsley talking to two men on a street corner. He asked if they were affiliated with any gangs, urged them to check out his Instagram account and bragged about what he was going to do.
The officers were shot and killed near Myrtle and Tompkins Avenues in Bedford-Stuyvesant, in the shadow of a tall housing project, while on patrol as part of an effort to tamp down violence in the area.
案发地点位于贝德福德-斯图文森区(Bedford- Stuyvesant)的默特尔和汤普金斯大道附近,笼罩在一座高层住宅项目的阴影里。警员巡逻是平息该地区暴力事件的举措之一。
Mr. Bratton said the officers never had a chance to draw their weapons and perhaps never saw their killer coming.
President Obama joined the ranks of public officials who expressed outrage and sorrow.
“I ask people to reject violence and words that harm, and turn to words that heal — prayer, patient dialogue, and sympathy for the friends and family of the fallen,” Mr. Obama said in a statement.
But the tension between City Hall and the Police Department is worse than it has been in years.
Patrick Lynch, president of the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, laid the blame for the deaths of the officers squarely at the feet of the mayor.
巡警慈善协会会长帕特里克·林奇(Patrick Lynch)把两位警员之死直接归咎于市长。
“That blood on the hands starts on the steps of City Hall, in the office of the mayor,” he said.
On Sunday, the Police Department began adopting defensive tactics in its patrol strategy, ordering officers on foot patrol to stay in pairs at all times. The order came as the president of the detective’s union, Michael J. Palladino, told all precinct detectives, who usually operate alone or in pairs, to stay in “teams of three when possible until we better assess the threat that exists against us.”
周日,警察局开始在巡逻中采取防御战术,要求徒步巡逻的警员在任何时候都两人一组,结伴而行。与此同时,探员工会主席迈克尔·帕拉迪诺 (Michael J. Palladino)也告诉各警区的探员,“在我们能更好地评估我们面临的威胁之前,尽可能三人同行。”探员通常单独行动或两人同行。
That message, not an order but a recommendation, followed an official directive from the chief of patrol sent to all uniformed officers on Sunday.
“Effective immediately and until further notice,” the order to all patrol commanders and supervisors said, “there are to be no solo footposts citywide.” Meal and personal breaks “will also be taken in pairs.”