First-round eliminations in the 2007 and 2011 AsianCups, combined with complete failures to even come close to qualifying for any of the threeWorld Cups since 2002, have made the national team something of a laughingstock amongfans.
2007年和2011年的亚洲杯首轮就被淘汰,而且在2002年以后的三届世界杯(World Cup)预选赛中,成绩都远不足以取得参赛资格,这让中国国家足球队在球迷心中几乎成了笑柄。
Being the worst-performing team to qualify for the 2015 Asian Cup — it got in as the bestthird-place team in a group — deepened the gloom.

The qualification campaign ended in March 2014 with a 3-1 loss against Iraq. It was AlainPerrin’s first game as head coach after he was appointed with little fanfare and excitement, withmany wanting the 2006 World Cup winner Marcello Lippi to take over. The Italian coach had ledthe Chinese Super League club Guangzhou Evergrande to domestic and Asian ChampionsLeague titles.
2014年3月结束的预选赛的最后一战,中国队以1比3不敌伊拉克队。这是阿兰·佩兰(Alain Perrin)担任主教练之后的首场比赛。他被任命几乎没有引起任何轰动或是兴奋的情绪,许多人当时希望2006年世界杯中,带领队伍夺冠的马尔切洛·里皮(Marcello Lippi)担任国足主帅。这名意大利教练曾带领中国足球超级联赛俱乐部广州恒大在国内和亚洲的冠军杯联赛中取得冠军。
But after winning what looked like a tough group, Perrin is now preparing for an Asian Cupquarterfinal on Thursday night against the host, Australia, in Brisbane, after victories over SaudiArabia, Uzbekistan and North Korea.
“After three difficult matches, we have a new record for Chinese football,” said Perrin, a 58-year-old Frenchman who has coached two of his country’s biggest clubs, Lyon and Marseille. “Wehave nine points after the group stage, but now we are looking forward. We have to keepworking hard. That is what we are doing. We have a good team spirit, we believe in each other,work hard for each other and we want to do as well as we can.”
Going into the tournament, expectations were low, though the lack of pressure has perhapshelped China’s performance on the field. But with the improved results, Chinese fans who hadbecome accustomed to failure and letdowns are learning to enjoy watching their national team.
Here in the Australian capital on Sunday, passionate red-shirted supporters nearly filled the25,000-capacity stadium for the final group game with North Korea. They were rewarded with agoal after just 45 seconds and a fine performance in the first half. The second half saw theirteam under serious pressure from North Korea, but it hung on for a 2-1 win.
“You can see that the fans are happy and enjoying this,” said Yu Haijing, a reporter coveringthe Asian Cup for Xinhua, the state-run news agency. “It is the same back in China, with peoplestarting to get behind the players and the coach. People are enjoying watching the team forthe first time in years. It will be really hard to beat Australia, but fans are looking forward to it.There is nothing to lose now. There’s no pressure as the team is already successful.”
Australia, one of the tournament favorites, beat Kuwait, 4-1, and Oman, 4-0, before losing toSouth Korea, 1-0.
“Australia is a very strong team,” Sun Ke, a winger who has scored three goals in thetournament so far, said in Chinese. “It is also the host, and that makes the next match verydifficult. But if we can focus on the game and prepare as well as possible and concentrate well,then we can leave the field with our heads high.”
That is already the case. This new China team is more resolute than previous versions anddoes not come apart at the first setback. Despite falling behind against a highly ratedUzbekistan team in the second game, China kept calm, came back to take a 2-1 lead and playedout the game with few problems, a departure from the past.
“The coach trusts the players, and if we can follow his instructions and take our opportunitiesand keep our concentration, then we can get good results,” Sun added.
There has even been time for the team to win a few hearts in Australia. When Saudi Arabia wasawarded a penalty kick during their group match, goalkeeper Wang Dalei asked Stephen White,an Australian ballboy who was behind the goal, which way he should dive. “Wang turned aroundand asked if I should jump left or right, so I said left, so he jumped left and saved it,” Whitetold local media. “He celebrated with the team, but at the end of the game, he came and gaveme a hug.” China went on to win, 1-0, and White went on to become a minor celebrity.
中国队甚至还借此机会赢得了一些人的喜爱。在小组赛期间,当沙特队获罚点球时,中国队门将王大雷问球门后的澳大利亚球童斯蒂芬·怀特(Stephen White),自己应该往哪一边扑。“王大雷转过身,问我他应该往左边还是右边跳,我说左边,于是他扑向左边,扑出了点球,”怀特对当地媒体说。“他和队友庆祝扑救成功,不过比赛最后,他走过来和我拥抱。”之后中国以1比0获胜,而怀特也变得小有名气。
It all helps. Soccer may be China’s most popular sport, but the country lags behind SouthKorea and Japan on the field, despite having a much larger population. Persuading parents toallow children to take up the game has been a significant challenge. Positive news coverage,good results and a national team that makes fans proud could be a major plus in persuadingthem to do so.
“The national team was in need of a good international competition, and China winning theirgroup has already shattered expectations,” Tom Byer, a soccer consultant who is advising theEducation Ministry in China on how to introduce soccer into schools, said by email. “The Chinesegovernment has just created a policy that makes football compulsory in schools. I believe weare about to see the long-awaited football boom in China. This policy and the good resultscould be the spark.”
“国家队需要有力的国际竞争,中国队在小组赛中获胜就已经超出预期了,”就如何让足球走进校园,为中国教育部提供咨询的足球顾问汤姆·拜尔(Tom Byer)在电子邮件中说。“中国政府已经制定了一项政策,要求足球成为学校的必修课。相信我们即将在中国看到期待已久的足球热潮。这项政策以及出色的比赛结果,都可能成为可以燎原的星星之火。”