The consultancy’s annual ranking of wealth centreshighlights how the Asian cities are seen by theworld’s rich as the best places to park money amidglobal tighter regulation of private wealth managers in Switzerland and elsewhere.

Many of those wealthy people are from China, which helped propel the amount of moneyflowing into Hong Kong to rise 47 per cent to $640bn during 2012-2014. Singapore saw a 32per cent increase in the value of funds entering the state to $470bn, according to the report.
Over the same period, Switzerland managed only a 2 per cent rise in the money it attractedfrom overseas, to $2tn. But it remains the largest wealth management centre — measured byassets coming from abroad — followed by the UK, the US, and Panama and the Caribbean.
Deloitte did not rank centres by assets under management, which would include domesticwealth. But its ranking of locations by funds flowing from outside indicates where the wealthyperceive as being the best destination for their money.
The consultancy said its findings suggested that European centres such as Switzerland“suffered from the combined effect” of the eurozone crisis and regulations such as Fatca — theUS Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act which is intended to detect and deter tax evasion byUS citizens via overseas accounts.
Singapore is growing fast as a money management centre because of a rising number ofwealthy entrepreneurs in Southeast Asia, especially Indonesia. Its three local banks areproviding stiff competition for longer-established groups such as JPMorgan, Citi and Swissbanks Credit Suisse and UBS.
因东南亚(特别是印尼)富有企业家数量不断增多,新加坡正迅速成长为财富管理中心。新加坡国内3家银行正对摩根大通(JPMorgan)、花旗(Citi)以及瑞士银行瑞信(Credit Suisse)和瑞银(UBS)等更久负盛名的银行构成有力竞争。
Singapore has for some years been projected to overtake Switzerland as the world’s largestwealth management centre. But Deloitte’s findings suggest that Hong Kong may have a betterchance of taking the top slot.
Mohit Mehrotra, global wealth management group leader at Deloitte, said Hong Kong overtookSingapore in 2012 in terms of attracting offshore wealth. “The trajectory of growth in Singaporefrom 2008 to 2014 has been fairly positive, but it’s just that growth in Hong Kong hasaccelerated a lot faster,” said Mr Mehrotra.
德勤全球财富管理团队负责人莫希特•梅赫罗特拉(Mohit Mehrotra)表示,在吸引海外财富方面,香港在2012年超过新加坡。他表示:“2008年至2014年,新加坡的增长轨迹相当乐观,但香港的增速要快的多。”