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    British counter-terrorism officials are monitoring3,000 extremists in the UK that they fear couldcommit acts of domestic terror or become future“Jihadi Johns”.


    Many will never have travelled abroad or been officialmembers of terrorist organisations, underscoring thegrowing problem facing intelligence and securityagencies across Europe in tracking radicalcommunities of home-grown terrorists.


    The disclosure follows the unmasking of Londoner Mohammed Emwazi this week as thehooded murderer responsible for some of the most barbaric killings perpetrated by the IslamicState of Iraq and the Levant, or Isis.

    这一消息传出之前,“伊拉克和黎凡特伊斯兰国”(ISIS)部分最野蛮的杀戮行径的蒙面刽子手本周身份曝光,此人原来是伦敦市民,名叫穆罕默德•埃姆瓦兹(Mohammed Emwazi)。

    The 3,000 figure is significantly higher than previous estimates. In late 2007, Jonathan Evans,then director general of MI5 — Britain’s domestic intelligence agency — said the SecurityService was monitoring 2,000 people.

    3000人这个数字显著高于先前的估计。2007年底,英国国内情报机构军情五处(MI5)负责人乔纳森•埃文斯(Jonathan Evans)曾说,该机构监视着2000人。

    The number of so-called SoIs — subjects of interest as potentially violent extremists areknown in MI5 parlance — had been stable until recent months: but the rise of Isis hasexpanded their ranks. Senior Whitehall security officials told the Financial Times there was realconcern over the impact social media was having on radical individuals in Britain and its abilityto magnify the appeal of jihadism in the Middle East.


    The focus of counter-terrorism efforts in Europe until now has been on preventing citizensfrom travelling to Syria and Iraq to join terror groups. An estimated 3,000 Europeans havetravelled to fight there, among them more than 500 Britons. But individuals who remain athome are increasingly being seen as high priority targets for monitoring as the incidence of“lone wolf” terror attacks grows.


    They are becoming harder to track too, British officials say, because they are less likely to bemembers of groups or well-connected networks. One senior security officer described theproblem as like trying to follow the random “brownian motion” of particles in a teapot.


    “There have always been a lot of people [under watch]. But the perception for a long time wasthat the numbers had plateaued,” said Raffaello Pantucci, director of international securitystudies at the think-tank Rusi. “Now there is a whole new layer on top of that because thenoise from Isis in Syria and Iraq is so loud it is attracting others.”

    “一直有很多人(处于监视之下)。但在一段较长时期内,各方的看法是这些人的数量已经趋于稳定,”智库——英国皇家联合军种研究院(Royal United Services Institute)的国际安全研究总监拉菲洛•潘图奇(Raffaello Pantucci)表示。“现在增添了全新的一层,因为ISIS从叙利亚和伊拉克传来的噪音如此响亮,吸引了其他人。”

      上一篇:彷徨中的俄罗斯反对派 下一篇:现如今碎片化的英国


