In a break from Royal protocol, the Duchess of Cambridge has taken Princess Charlotte's first official portraits herself - and released them on Twitter via the Kensington Palace account.
在一场皇家礼仪聚会间歇期,凯特王妃(Kate Middleton)亲自给夏洛特公主拍下第一组官方照片——并通过推特(Twitter)肯辛顿宫(Kensington Palace)账号发布。
Warming the hearts of the nation, the series of pictures see a gorgeous Prince George proudly holding his tiny little sister, with beaming smiles for the camera.
But just how did Kate get her pictures looking so professional? We asked professional children's photographer Glenda Tarling for some expert tips.
但为什么凯特王妃拍的照片看起来如此专业?为此,我们向专业儿童摄影师格伦达·塔林(Glenda Tarling)询问了一些专业拍照技巧。
'Judging by the amount of natural light flooding into the pictures, it's likely Kate took the shots next to a large window. And most likely without using any flash,' says Glenda, who runs GR Tarling Photography.
With it's gentle brightness, using natural light rather than artificial lighting equipment can often result in the best family photographs.
'The pictures have a very lifestyle feel to them, this wasn't taken in a studio,' notes the photographer, who along with her husband Dave, has been taking creative shots of families and their children for the past three years.
'Looking at the way the shadows are falling, it's most likely that the Duchess has simply positioned the chair looking towards a big window on a nice and bright day.'
Although smart phones and tablets now carry increasingly good quality cameras, Glenda says it's unlikely that Kate used anything other than a DLSR (digital single-lens reflex) camera.
'The depth of field in some of the pictures makes me think she has used a mid-range DSLR, like a Canon D6 or a Nikon D610.'
'If she's into photography, she probably owns something like that. The iPhone and iPad cameras are quite sharp these days, but not like this.'
'With these kinds of cameras you can change the lenses as and when you need to, Kate perhaps used a 35mm or 50mm lens for these shots.'
Glenda notes how in one of the shots, the background is slightly burred. Which, she says, helps to pull the viewer's focus straight into the eyes of Prince George and Princess Charlotte.This is a technique called Maximum Aperture, and is done by adjusting the settings on your digital camera to let more light pass through the lens.
'It looks as though Kate has let more light in with a wide aperture, to get that blurred effect you can see on George's shoes and in the background,' says Glenda.
'She has definitely used technique there, so that the foreground - in this case her children - becomes sharper.'
Children are much more likely to appear relaxed and comfortable when their parents are around, so the fact that Kate is taking the picture will have helped immensely in these shots, says Glenda.
But use of props are essential to a good family portrait too.
'We can see that Kate has used pillows to prop them up, which is a great idea,' says Glenda.
With their mother behind the camera, it's likely George and Charlotte's relaxed poses came far more naturally than they might on a professional shoot.
But, says Glenda, for an arrangement like Kate's it's important that the older sibling has had plenty of practice holding the baby.
'It looks as though George has spent plenty of time with his sister and holding her,' says Glenda.
'We often try this kind of pose at shoots, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. They both need to feel comfortable.'
'Patience is really the key thing behind capturing the perfect shot. If your children have an expression they often make for example, you need to be prepared to wait and pause until they make that.'
Once again, it appears Prince George is wearing the perfect outfit, as contrasting colours often photograph best.
'White is a very reflective colour and so sometimes you may need to retouch pictures if it comes out very bleached' says Glenda.
'But he's wearing blue socks with the white shirt and you can see how well they have come up in the pictures.'
Had this been a professional shoot, Glenda says some photographers might have gently retouched the colour balance of the pictures.
'We may have adjusted the highlights or toned down some of the areas that have been almost bleached with light and lost their detail - the pillows for example,' says Glenda.
This can take some expert know-how however, using computer programs like PhotoShop.
'It doesn't look like Kate has done that, but personally, I think she's done a pretty good job with these pictures. They're beautiful and very natural, and that's what most of our clients are really interested in right now.'
depth of field:景深