More couples are tying the knot in an unusual place — funeral homes.
"I think it's the future of funeral service, having reception centers on site for families to celebrate life and weddings and other major events," Nancy Brunner Sanden, who runs a funeral home in Mentor, Ohio, told
南茜•布伦纳•桑登在俄亥俄州门托经营着一家殡仪馆,她在接受TODAY.com时表示: “我认为这是殡仪服务的前景,现场有接待中心可供一些家庭来庆祝生命、举办婚礼和其他重大活动。”

At the Brunner Sanden Deitrick Funeral Home and Cremation Center, Sanden has organized dinners, graduation parties, reunions and first communion parties at its upstairs reception area.
Fans of the new trend say there are many reasons couples are getting married in funeral homes: They're often cheaper than traditional wedding venues and offer better availability, for example.
It's also a great revenue stream for funeral homes. And as more funeral homes offer food, alcohol and reception areas, they're becoming the perfect place for parties. In the past decade, many funeral homes have remodeled or built new structures to provide an event space, said Jessica Koth of the National Funeral Directors Association.

"And instead of letting this empty reception space go unused, why not let families use it?" Koth told "It could be a wedding or a birthday party or an anniversary party, a bar mitzvah, any kind of event. Funerals aren't necessarily what they were 15, 20, 30 years ago," she added. "People are looking to celebrate the life of their loved ones."
科思在接受TODAY.com采访时表示, “与其让这片闲置的接待区空着,为什么不让一些家庭来使用呢?可以在那儿举办任何活动:婚宴、生日聚会、周年纪念派对、受诫礼等。殡仪业不见得还是15、20、30年前的样子了,人们愿意在这里为他们爱的人庆祝生命。”
In Indianapolis, the Washington Park East Cemetery Association runs an event center called the Community Life Center, which will host more than 50 weddings this year, according to the Associated Press.

Like any trend, this one isn't for everyone. Wedding expert Kellee Khalil, founder and CEO of Loverly, said getting married in a funeral home "is definitely a little crazy to think about," but she understands how it can have its advantages — especially financially. "The funeral home can make extra money by adding weddings to their revenue stream, and the couple can save, too, because as a harder sell for the funeral home, they'll likely be slashing the price," she told
If nothing else, getting married at a funeral home is unique — and that's always trendy, Khalil added.
funeral home: 殡仪馆
first communion: 初次圣礼
bar mitzvah: 成人礼
slash: 削减