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    The Obama administration has decided to provide aircover to the Syrian rebels it has trained if they comeunder attack by the Assad regime, potentiallydeepening the US role in the four-year old Syrian conflict.


    The Syrian fighters are being trained by the US to take on Islamist militants from Isis but there isalso a chance that they could also come under attack from Assad regime forces.


    The administration has been reluctant to discuss any military action against the Assad regimefor fear that it could lead to greater US involvement in the civil war, but felt it was necessary toprovide greater assurances to the fledgling rebel force it has been building up.


    The decision, made by President Barack Obama, comes after some US-trained rebels wereattacked on Friday by elements of the Nusra Front, a jihadi group in Syria that is allied with al-Qaeda. The US was forced to conduct airstrikes to defend the troops.

    美国总统巴拉克攠巴马(Barack Obama)做出这一决定前,美国训练的一些叙反政府武装人员在上周五遭到努斯拉阵线(Nusra Front)分子的袭击。美国被迫实施了空袭,以保护这些叙反政府武装人员。努斯拉阵线是叙利亚的一个圣战组织,与基地组织(al-Qaeda)结盟。

    The attack from a rival rebel group underlined the perilous position of the US-trained forces inSyria, who could potentially find themselves fighting on three different fronts — against Isis, theAssad regime and other insurgents who are opposed to the US.


    The Pentagon programme to train rebels has already come in for sharp criticism because of its slowpace, with only around 60 troops so far being produced.


    The decision to support the rebels in a fight with Assad forces follows the announcement lastweek that the US would work more closely with Turkey in the fight against Isis in Syria, includinglaunching air strikes from Turkish bases and a plan to clear an area of the Turkish-Syria border heldby the jihadi group. Turkey has been pressuring the US for the past two years to do more to defeatthe Assad regime.


    US officials insist that the issue is a largely theoretical one because the rebel force it is training isunlikely to come into contact with troops from the Assad regime.


    They say that in the areas of Syria where the US air force has been operating against Isis, it hasprompted no reaction from government forces. “We made it clear to the Syrian regime that we’rethere to strike Isil [Isis] and so far they have clearly gotten that message,” a senior US official saidlast week.


    The White House and the Pentagon refused to comment on Sunday evening on the decision, whichwas first reported by the Wall Street Journal.

    上周日晚,白宫以及五角大楼拒绝就该决定置评。该决定最先由《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)报道。

    Ali Baskey, a spokesperson, for the National Security Council, said: “We view the Syrian forcestrained and equipped by the Department of Defense as partners in the counter-Isil effort. Theseforces are being provided with a wide range of Coalition support in their mission to counter-Isil,which includes defensive fires support to protect them.

    白宫国家安全委员会(NSC)发言人阿里巴斯基(Ali Baskey)称:“我们将国防部训练及装备的叙利亚武装视为反ISIS斗争中的合作伙伴。这些武装在执行反ISIS任务时得到盟军的广泛支持,其中包括旨在保护他们的防御性火力支持。

    “We won’t get into the specifics of our rules of engagement, but have said all along that we wouldtake the steps necessary to ensure that these forces could successfully carry out their mission. Wedemonstrated our resolve in this respect on Friday.”


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