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    Even as a global crackdown on secretive tax havenshas gathered pace, Panama, an entrepot of offshorefinance, has remained a stubborn holdout.


    But a huge data leak from one of the country’s toplaw firms, Mossack Fonseca, and reports that ithelped hide billions of dollars in assets for globalpoliticians, sports stars and entertainers will test itsresolve to resist a worldwide push fortransparency.

    但巴拿马顶级律所之一莫萨克•冯赛卡律所(Mossack Fonseca)的大规模数据泄露,以及有关巴拿马帮助全球政客、体育明星和艺人隐匿数十亿美元资产的报道,将测试其抵制全球推动透明度的决心。

    “There will be political pressure and commercial pressure,” said Pascal Saint-Amans, the toptax official for the Paris-based Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

    总部设在巴黎的经合组织(OECD)的最高税务官员帕斯卡尔•圣阿芒(Pascal Saint-Amans)表示:“巴拿马将会承受政治压力和商业压力。”

    Panama’s offshore specialists have long been used by some of the world’s biggest companies tohold foreign investments tax-efficiently. But the country has also acquired a reputation foropacity. Companies incorporated in Panama were more likely to appear in the World Bank’sdatabase of big corruption cases, published in 2010, than those of any other country exceptthe US and the British Virgin Islands.

    全球一些最大公司早就利用巴拿马的离岸专家来研究如何以节税的方式进行外国投资。但该国也获得了不透明的名声。与在所有其他国家(除美国和维京群岛以外)注册的公司相比,在巴拿马注册的公司出现在世界银行(World Bank) 2010年发布的大型腐败案例数据库当中的几率更高。

    Panama was already facing international criticism after it emerged as the only significantfinancial centre to refuse to adopt new international transparency rules in February. Therules were introduced by the G20 after the US took the lead.


    The groundswell of support for such rules was partly a result of public anger over tax evasionfollowing the 2008 financial crisis.


    Under the new rules, an unprecedented transfer of tax information will begin next year,easing attempts by authorities to prise open previously secret offshore accounts.


    Panama is one of just four jurisdictions, along with Bahrain, Nauru and Vanuatu, that haverefused to sign up.


    One industry expert said that Panama’s refusal would force banks in other jurisdictions to dodetailed due diligence on any entities they are doing business with in Panama. Some bankswere likely to decide that the extra costs and regulatory risks are not worth it, he said.


    Fiona Fernie of Pinsent Mason, an international law firm, said: “There are a number of bankswithdrawing from offshore jurisdictions. They are risk- assessing their business models andwhere they do business.”

    国际律所Pinsent Mason的菲奥娜•弗尼(Fiona Fernie)表示:“许多银行撤出离岸司法管辖地。它们正在评估业务模式以及业务所在地的风险。”

    Panama has already made some changes in response to criticism from the Financial ActionTask Force, the international financial crimes watchdog, which put the country on its “grey list”of anti-money laundering high-risk countries in June. It was removed in February after the FATFsaid it recognised Panama had “made significant progress” in improving its regime to combatmoney laundering and terrorist financing.

    巴拿马已经做出一些改变以回应金融行动特别工作组(Financial Action Task Force)的批评。金融行动特别工作组是一家打击金融犯罪行为的国际监管机构,在去年6月将巴拿马列入其反洗钱高风险国家的“灰名单”。但今年2月该机构表示,巴拿马在反洗钱和反恐怖融资制度方面“取得了重要进展”,因此将其移出灰名单。

    In particular, Panama tightened its rules on bearer shares — which bestow ownership onwhoever holds the share certificates — at the end of 2015.


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