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    Once the acute phases of the financial and eurocrises were over, it was clear that it would take timefor advanced economies to recover. The history ofpast financial crises gave a clear warning thatrecovery would typically be long and painful.


    Today, the scars are largely healed but growth is stillslow. Before the crisis, any economist would havepredicted that an economy with interest rates close to zero and no other major brakes ondemand would see high growth rates and quickly overheat. Yet this is not what we have seen.The reason, I believe, must be found in mediocre medium term prospects, which in turnaffect current demand and growth.


    Estimates of long term potential growth in advanced countries have come down by 0.5 to 1per cent since 2007. Some of the decline is due to ageing, some to lower productivity growth.The effect of an ageing population was largely predictable, and indeed largely predicted. (Whether it was taken into account by firms thinking about their investment plans is unclear.)


    Productivity growth has been much lower since 2007, more so in Europe where the rate hasdeclined by over 1 per cent in major countries, than in the US, where it has only declined by0.5 per cent. This decline reflects in part cyclical factors and the effect of lower capitalaccumulation. But there is more to it: for the US at least, the evidence points to a slowdownin underlying productivity, starting before the crisis and reflecting the end of a period ofsuccessful implementations of IT innovations. The safe assumption is that the high pre-crisisproductivity growth rate was unusual, and we should expect lower underlying productivitygrowth in future.


    Low potential growth is bad news for the medium term. But it may explain what is happeningtoday. A main finding of a paper that Eugenio Cerutti, Lawrence Summers and I wrote in 2015was that, over the past 40 years, recessions in advanced countries have been associatedsurprisingly often with lower growth following the recession.

    潜在经济增长率较低对中期来说是坏消息。但它或许可以解释当前的情形。我与欧金尼奥•切鲁蒂(EugenioCerutti)、劳伦斯•萨默斯(Lawrence Summers)2015年合写的一篇论文的一个主要结论是,在过去40年中,发达国家的经济衰退出奇频繁地与衰退结束后增速较低有关。

    One interpretation is the presence of hysteresis, namely that the recession affects potentialgrowth. Another is that the causality runs in reverse: bad news about future potentialgrowth leads to a recession. So, for example, when companies realise that sales prospects areworse than they thought, they cut down on investment. And consumers, realising that theirincome prospects have worsened, cut on consumption.


    Monetary policy can limit the drop, but not eliminate it. In a 2013 paper I co-wrote, weshowed formally that this interpretation fits postwar US data well. I believe that it alsoexplains what we observe today. The result in this case is not a recession, but a weakrecovery.


    This weak recovery in advanced countries also goes a long way in explaining the slowdown inemerging markets. While domestic factors play a role, and the evolution of China is largelysui generis, lower exports, less demand for commodities, and a resulting drop in commodityprices, have led to lower output.


    If this new narrative is right, the baseline forecast is for a slow but continued recovery, asthe adjustment to the reality of lower potential growth plays out in advanced economies,and the adjustment to the commodity bust works itself out in emerging market anddeveloping economies. It suggests that some of the scary talk, and some of the exotic policymeasures being discussed, from helicopter money to large negative nominal rates, are not theorder of the day. They should be kept in reserve in case bad things happen, but theexpectation should be that they will not be needed.


    The focus should be increasingly on medium term growth, and the redefinition of normal fiscaland monetary policies in an environment of lower growth and lower interest rates.


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