可怜的伯尼•桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)。如果你不了解负责监管全美银行的美联储(Fed)和财政部(Treasurydepartment)的相对胜任范围,如果你不清楚证交会(SEC)、联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)和货币监理署(OCC)的不同职能的话,你怎么能够当美国总统?
The senator from Vermont was part of the Congress that passed the Dodd-Frank Act extendingfinancial regulation. Yet he has not even mastered the thousand pages or so of the act, far lessthe regulations and explanatory documents that have been published since.
这位佛蒙特州参议员是通过了实施金融监管的《多德-弗兰克法》(Dodd-Frank Act)的国会的一份子。不过,他甚至看不懂该法大约1000页的文本,自那以来发布的规定和解释文件就更不必提了。
Mr Sanders’ recent stumbles illustrate a misdirection in his attack on the bankingestablishment. The central problem is not so much “too big to fail” but “too complex to fail”:Lehman was a systemically important financial institution but not an important financialinstitution. Nor was it a big one; it had fewer employees than Citigroup today has compliancestaff. Lehman’s collapse created major problems for the global financial system because of theextent of its interactions, with more than 1m outstanding contracts at the time of itsbankruptcy. Similarly, Long Term Capital Management was insignificant in size when it failedbut capable of massive impact by virtue of the exposure of other institutions to itsactivities.
There is some force in the claim that size in banking has actually been conducive to stability.Britain had no banking crisis in the Great Depression because the sector was highlyconcentrated. The US had many failures because the fragmentation imposed by restrictionson interstate banking meant that many banks lacked sufficient geographical or sectoraldiversification to weather losses.
有种说法有一定的说服力,那就是银行规模大实际上是有利于稳定的。英国在大萧条时期(Great Depression)没有发生银行危机,因为英国银行业是高度集中的。美国有很多银行倒闭,原因在于,限制跨州从事银行业务带来的分散化,意味着许多银行在地理或行业方面缺乏多元化,无法抵御亏损。
Ahead of the global financial crisis, it was argued that the growth of securitisation and othercomplex instruments similarly contributed to financial resilience. The reverse proved to bethe case; trade between institutions represented concentration and multiplication of risksrather than diversification.
Complexity is the enemy of stability. Financial conglomerates have become too diverse andsprawling for their chief executives or boards to understand what they do. The samecomplexity creates endemic conflicts of interest and is associated with cross subsidy betweenactivities. There are fundamental differences in the cultures required to trade derivatives, togive private financial advice to big corporations, to manage assets on behalf of savers and toprovide an efficient retail banking service.
And these conflicts and interdependencies undermine resilience. Vertical chains ofintermediation, which channel funds directly from savers to the uses of capital, can breakwithout inflicting much collateral damage. When intermediation is predominantly horizontal,with intermediaries mostly trading with each other, any failure cascades through the system, ashappened with Lehman. Today the assets of major financial institutions are predominantly theliabilities of other financial institutions; and vice versa.
These issues are compounded by the regulatory complexity that follows from attempts tomonitor behaviour in impossible detail. As the size of the Dodd-Frank legislation shows, wehave locked ourselves into a spiral in which regulatory complexity gives rise to furtherorganisational complexity and the construction of yet more esoteric instruments. Even iflegislators had better motives than the present corrupting structure that US campaign financeseems to allow, they cannot hope to have more than a basic knowledge of the rules theypromulgate or the workings of the regulatory institutions they have created.
So should we break up banks? Bring it on, Bernie.