Jia Jia, as the female robot has been named, isapparently capable of basic communication,interaction with nearby people, and natural facialexpressions. Unfortunately, many of her pre-programmed interactions appear to be highlystereotypical.
For example, if Jia Jia detects that someone is taking a photo of her, she'll warn thephotographer to stand back or else the picture will make her face "look fat." Jia Jia can't domuch beyond that though. Essential human emotional responses like laughing and crying arenot in the robot's repertoire. Her hands have also been left lifeless. She does, however, speaksuper subserviently. The prompt, "Hello," elicits the reply, "Yes my lord. What can I do foryou?"
We've seen a few other ultra-realistic female robots recently. A few weeks ago a 42-year-oldproduct and graphic designer from Hong Kong revealed "Mark 1," a $50,000 female robot. Theproject, which took a year and a half to complete, was supposedly the fulfillment of achildhood dream.
最近,我们看到了多款仿真女机器人。几星期前,一名来自香港的42岁产品及平面设计师推出了一款名为"Mark 1"的价值5万美元的女性机器人。这个项目花了设计师一年半的时间,主要是为了完成其童年的梦想。
Like Jia Jia, Mark 1 is capable of basic human-like interaction, command responses, andmovement. Mark 1 actually outperforms Jia Jia in that the former can move its limbs, turn itshead, bow, smirk, and wink.
和佳佳类似,Mark 1也能做到基本的类人似交流,回应命令和动作。Mark 1比佳佳更棒的是,她可以活动四肢,转头,弯腰,微笑以及眨眼。
And that's just the most recent example. Last year researchers at the Intelligent RoboticsLaboratory at Osaka University in Japan and Shanghai Shenqing Industry in China revealedYangyang, a dynamic robot with an resemblance to Sarah Palin. Yangyang also seems to domore than Jia Jia with its abilities to hug and shake hands.
The USTC researchers spent three years developing Jia Jia, and they aren't done yet. Teamdirector Chen Xiaoping says he hopes to develop and refine their creation, equipping it withartificial intelligence through deep learning and the ability to recognize people's facialexpressions, according to Xinhua News. Chen hopes Jia Jia will become an intelligence "robotgoddess." He added that the prototype was "priceless" and would not yet consider massproduction.