Gross domestic product rose 0.5 per cent — lessthan half the rate of the previous quarter — thanksto falling corporate investment and lower exports.The numbers were also held back by a deceleration in consumer spending growth, despite risingpersonal incomes.
The figures reflect a cautious mood after turbulent global economic and financial conditionsearly in the year. They will strengthen calls for the Federal Reserve to tread carefully beforelifting interest rates again. The central bank raised rates for the first time in almost a decadelast December. The Fed this week left policy unchanged but did not give a firm signal as towhen it next expects to tighten monetary policy.
“We have been slowing down since last year — this is not a one-quarter -phenomenon,” saidJoseph LaVorgna at Deutsche Bank. “It is surprising that the consumer has not done bettergiven strong jobs growth and low energy prices.”
“自去年以来我们一直在放缓——这不是一个季度的现象,”德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)的约瑟夫•拉沃尔尼亚(Joseph LaVorgna)表示,“考虑到强劲的就业增长和低廉的能源价格,消费者没有做的更好令人惊讶。”
The deceleration comes amid sluggish growth around the world, with the InternationalMonetary Fund this month cutting its global forecasts for the fourth time in a year.
Worries about Japan’s outlook were heightened yesterday when the Bank of Japan held ratesdespite data showing the country had tumbled back into deflation.
尽管数据表明日本已经跌回通缩,但昨日日本央行(Bank of Japan)维持了利率水平,这使人们对日本前景的忧虑加深。
Some economists said US growth rates might recover from weak first-quarter numbers, whichmissed forecasts of 0.7 per cent. Sluggish starts to the year are not unusual, prompting someanalysts to argue there are problems with how statisticians adjust for seasonal factors. The USgrew only 0.6 per cent in the first quarter of 2015 and shrank 0.9 per cent at the start of 2014.
Brian Schaitkin, an economist at the Conference Board, said: “Since the end of the GreatRecession . . . first-quarter GDP growth figures have shown a consistent pattern of beingweaker than those for the rest of the year, which suggests that a small rise is in store in 2016.”
世界大型企业研究会(Conference Board)的经济学家布赖恩•谢特金(Brian Schaitkin)表示:“自大衰退结束以来……首季GDP增长数据呈现出逊于该年剩余时间的一贯模式,这似乎表明2016年接下来将出现小幅增长。”
Growth in household spending — the motor of the US recovery — slowed to 1.9 per cent in thefirst quarter from 2.4 per cent previously, despite a healthier 2.9 per cent increase indisposable income.
The fall in corporate investment was driven by energy companies cutting back on capitalspending owing to the decline in oil prices. That has ricocheted to the factory sector, with thedemand for items used by oil groups falling. The US trade deficit also dragged on the numbersas the surging dollar crushed exports, which fell 2.6 per cent.
The data come just a day after the Fed warned that “growth in economic activity appears tohave slowed” even as the labour market continues to improve.