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    Donald Trump would have “no problem” negotiatingwith Kim Jong Un, the North Korean leader, if hewins the White House, according to comments by theRepublican presidential candidate that would marka big shift in US policy.

    美国共和党总统候选人唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)表示,如果他入主白宫,与朝鲜领导人金正恩(Kim Jong Un)对话将“不存在问题”。他的这番话标志着美国政策的一次重大变化。

    In an interview with Reuters, Mr Trump said he waswilling to talk to the authoritarian dictator as part of a push to rid the Korean peninsula ofnuclear weapons. The property magnate, who has come under heavy criticism fromRepublicans and Democrats over his foreign policy, also vowed to push Beijing to put morepressure on Pyongyang.


    “I would speak to him, I would have no problem speaking to him,” Mr Trump told the newsagency in reference to Mr Kim. “I would put a lot of pressure on China because economicallywe have tremendous power over China.”


    Mr Trump also vowed to renegotiate the Paris climate accord that was reached in December, incomments that echo his criticisms of the Obama administration’s environmental policiesduring the presidential campaign. He also said he would unwind most of the Dodd-Frankfinancial reforms that were enacted after the financial crisis, adding that he would releasedetailed policies in the coming weeks. He recently complained that regulators were “runningthe banks”.


    His willingness to talk to Mr Kim would signal a 180-degree change from the administrationsof George W Bush and Barack Obama where any discussions between the countries wereconducted by much lower-ranking officials on both sides. While Mr Obama has made personalovertures to the leader of Iran, there is no record of the US president having made privatecontact with Mr Kim who replaced his father as the leader of the hermit kingdom in 2011.

    特朗普与金正恩对话的意愿,是对小布什(George W Bush)和巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)政府政策的彻底逆转。在小布什和奥巴马任内,美朝之间的谈判都是由两国级别相当低的官员进行的。虽然奥巴马曾私下里向伊朗领导人示好,但没有记录表明他私下里与金正恩接触过。金正恩是2011年接替他父亲出任这个“隐士王国”的领导人的。

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