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    Barack Obama has become the first sitting USpresident to confront the consequences of using anatomic bomb as he visited Hiroshima to rememberits dead and demand a world free from nuclearweapons.

    巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)访问广岛,纪念原子弹轰炸死难者,并要求打造一个没有核武器的世界。此举令他成为首位直面原子弹轰炸后果的在任美国总统。

    With the skeleton of Hiroshima’s A-Bomb Dome infront of him, Mr Obama laid a wreath in memory ofat least 80,000 people who died when the US became the first and only country to use anatomic bomb, on August 6 1945.

    站在原爆纪念馆(A-Bomb Dome)的核爆遗址的架构前,奥巴马敬献了花圈,纪念1945年8月6日在核爆中死难的至少8万人。1945年8月6日,美国成为首个——也是唯一一个——使用原子弹的国家。

    The US president made clear he was not apologising. Just ahead of his Hiroshima visit,addressing troops at a US Marine Corps base near Hiroshima — choreography intended toshow strength as well as sorrow — he said the visit was an “opportunity to honour the memoryof all who were lost in World War Two”.

    这位美国总统明确表示他此举并非道歉。就在此次访问前,他在广岛附近的一个美国海军陆战队(US MarineCorps)基地向部队发表了讲话,这一姿态的用意除了展示悲伤,还为了宣示力量。在这次讲话中,他表示这次访问是“一次纪念二战所有死难者的机遇”。

    “It’s a chance to pursue peace and security, a world where nuclear weapons would no longerbe necessary. And it’s a testament to how even the most painful divides can be bridged,” hesaid.


    Mr Obama’s visit is a powerful symbol of reconciliation between the US and Japan, formerenemies who have became close allies. Opinion polls show an overwhelming majority ofJapanese are pleased Mr Obama is visiting now, even without an apology, after US presidentsavoided the city for 71 years.


    The visit also symbolises some of the frustrated ambitions of Mr Obama’s presidency. In theseven years since his landmark speech in Prague, where he said the US had a “moralresponsibility” to rid the world of atomic weapons, Russia, China and others have modernisedtheir atomic arms.


    Mr Obama himself has presided over a $1tn upgrade to the US nuclear arsenal. VisitingHiroshima is a chance to revive that moral mission from 2009 as his presidency draws to aclose.


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