The Iraqi army, backed by special forces, Shiamilitias and coalition air power, deployed around thenorthern, western and southern approaches to theSunni city of Fallujah. The city was taken by Isis in January 2014, months before the militantgroup’s rapid assault across Iraq.
Isis forces responded to the assault on the outskirts of Fallujah with suicide bombs to thenorth and a counter-attack in the south of the city that was repelled by helicopter gunships.Isis is also trying to retake the town of Hit, further north-west in the province of al-Anbar, whichit lost this year.
In the campaign, launched a week ago, Iraqi forces have taken much of the territoryencircling Fallujah, according to military officers cited by agencies.
While Sunni tribesmen have joined the forces seeking to oust Isis, Iranian backing for the Shiagovernment in Baghdad has sparked concerns among Iraqi Sunnis, who fear reprisals as Shiamilitias spearhead the central government’s military advance into Isis areas.
Residents have already claimed that Shia militias torched farms and mosques after retaking thecity of al-Karmah, close to Fallujah, over the weekend.
On Saturday Sunni parliamentarians condemned a visit by Major General Qassem Soleimani,head of foreign military operations for Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, to paramilitary forcesfighting alongside the Iraqi army near Fallujah. They said Mr Soleimani’s visit would stokesectarian tensions, undermining claims that the drive against Isis was a national endeavour.
上周六,逊尼派议员谴责伊朗革命卫队境外军事行动负责人卡西姆•索莱马尼少将(Qassem Soleimani)视察正在费卢杰附近与伊拉克陆军一起作战的民兵武装。他们表示,索莱马尼的访问将加剧宗派紧张局势,削弱有关打击ISIS是全国努力的主张。
Iran has defended its intervention, saying Mr Soleimani is in Iraq at the request of theelected government to “fight terrorists”.
The US-led coalition is also helping a Kurdish offensive against villages about 20km east ofIsis’s Mosul stronghold in northwestern Iraq. The Kurdish Regional Security Council said about5,500 Peshmerga troops took part in the dawn offensive around Khazir on Sunday.
以美国为首的联盟也在帮助库尔德武装进攻距摩苏尔以东大约20公里处的多个村庄——摩苏尔是ISIS的重镇,位于伊拉克西北部。库尔德地区安全委员会(Kurdish Regional Security Council)表示,大约5500名“自由斗士”(Peshmerga)武装人员参与了周日在哈济尔附近发起的黎明攻势。